
Friday, February 3, 2012

*CLOSED* LGB Survey - Win 1 of 10 $25 Gift Certificates! Ends 6/1/12 at 11:59pm

***Closed!!!*** Notified Winner....
Please read through this post carefully!! This giveaway is sponsored through MSU and in order to take the survey and enter for the prizes you MUST fit into the following categories.

*You must identify as a gay man, lesbian female or a bisexual male/female
*You must be currently in or have been in a same sex relationship for at least 6 months within the last 5 years
*You must be 18 or older to participate

If you do not fit into these categories you do not qualify for the survey and giveaway. Sorry!

10 people who fit the criteria and participate in the survey will win a gift certificate, via an online code, worth $25! Winners may choose to get their gift certificate to one of the following online stores

*Barnes and

Chances of winning a gift certificate are approximately 1 in 40. Survey will continue until enough participants have completed it. So the more people who take it quickly the quicker the winners will be chosen!! So spread the word around! I will post when the survey has ended and winners have been chosen, if you would like a personal email telling you when the survey has ended instead of having to remember to check back every once in a while please leave your email in a comment below. These emails will be from me personally and will have the subject line, Survey has ended!.

The survey is estimated to take around 45 minutes to complete so please make sure you set aside enough time when beginning the survey.

Both partners in the relationship are able to take the survey independent of each other.

*****All information is kept confidential.*****

The only personally identifying information collected is at the end of the survey you will be taken to a page that asks for your email to enter into the drawing for the gift cards. Your email will NOT be connected with any of your survey answers. It is only used for contacting the winner! Midwesterners - please feel free to still enter! We still need more responses from your area as well!

Now that the survey is progressing nicely we are noticing alot of participants are from the midwest demographically and would love to receive some more particapants from the East, South and Upper West areas of the US as well as particapants from other countries if possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or your privacy you can contact the following:

Primary investigator, Richard S. Wampler, PhD at 517-432-6754 or
Study Coordinator, Christopher K. Belous, MA at 517-432-2272 or

This area of study is very important to me, as I identify as a lesbian. I personally took the survey and it took me just over an hour to complete - I tend to run on a little! lol The information received by this survey is helping to gain a better understanding of same gendered relationships so therapists can work more effectively with same gendered couples. So please if you meet the qualifications specified above take the survey!!

After you are done with the survey I would greatly appreciate it if you could post a comment on what you thought about it. You may comment anonymously! If you choose to leave your opinion (no matter good or bad!) with an email I will pick a random winner using at the end of the survey for a $5 online gift code to!!

Start the survey using the link below the official description! Good Luck!

Here is the official description:

Have you been in a same-gender relationship that has lasted at least 6 months? Do you identify as a gay man, lesbian female or bisexual male/female? Researchers at Michigan State University are investigating the characteristics of same-gender couples, and would like your participation! The survey should only take about 45 minutes, and is conducted completely online. Questions will be asked about your relationship characteristics, and how you and your partner interact as a couple. A brief questionnaire will also ask you about you as an individual. For your time and participation, you may enter a drawing for a gift certificate valued at $25! More information about the study is located at the website below.

The survey giveaway is sponsored by the above for mentioned. Winners will be picked by and emailed notice within 4 to 6 weeks of survey end at 11:59pm EST on June 1, 2012. Winners must respond to email within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen. All gift certificates will be an online code worth $25 to the store winner chose at the end of the survey.

The $5 code winner will be chosen by when survey has stopped taking participants and emailed notice. Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. This gift certificate is in no way connected to the survey personally - it is a separate giveaway hosted by myself to garner comments and traffic to my blog. It is possible to be the winner of the survey giveaway and this blog giveaway - I will have no knowledge of who wins the survey giveaway.

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