
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Win Some Green!! $25 Gift Card or Paypal Cash *CLOSED*

Winner is Patrick F.!!!! Congratulations!!! Thanks to all who entered! Be sure to check back often as I have many more giveaways planned!

With St. Patrick's Day fast approaching I thought I would give someone the opportunity to Win some Green!! It will be super fun - like finding a four-leaf clover!

Prize: (1) $25 Your Choice Gift Card (meaning you can choose where you want a gift card to; Old Navy, Applebee's, etc.) or Paypal Cash to 1 lucky winner on St. Patrick's Day!

Just use the awesomely easy and quick rafflecopter form below to enter!!

Giveaway Rules: There will be (1) one winner chosen on March 17th after 12:01 am EST. through Rafflecopter and emailed. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email or another winner will be chosen. First name, last initial and state will be posted after confirmation from winner. Winner may choose to remain annonymous. There is one mandatory entry before all other entries will count. All other entries are optional. All comments made on this blog by entrants MUST be appropriate to the subject matter they are commenting on. One word responses are not considered a comment and therefor not counted as an entry.

If you have any concerns or questions about this giveaway please email me at with the subject 'Help/Question St. Day GVY'.

a Rafflecopter giveaway