
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Dare to Defy Book Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway Ended, Winner in Rafflecopter Widget Below ;)

Welcome to my Eighth hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!!  This tour features the amazing Author Breanna Hayse and her sexy book 'Dare to Defy' 😉  Below you will find a synopses and author bio and of course an awesome giveaway!!  Make sure you visit all of my other active giveaways!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Twitter Exclusive Giveaway

Ended - Winner Verified - @TizTiaDarling
Congratulations Again!!

Twitter Only Giveaway!!  

This is a quick one so don't wait!

Rules: Open WW, 18+, Unlimited Entries
MUST Follow and Comment what store your most excited to go Black Friday Shopping at this year
Bonus Entry for Sharing the Tweet
Runs from 11/26/19 - 11/28/19 at 6am est

Prize: $10 Paypal or eGift Card of Choice

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sweeps Atlas - Upgrading the Sweeping World!

*Disclaimer: This is a personal review / shout out for Sweeps Atlas to help spread the word about this awesome new online sweeps site!  I was not compensated in any way for this review and I am not related to or even know the creator personally.  All opinions below are my own or taken directly off of the forums of the site from real members.  Part of this post sounds 'advertisish', which I did on purpose - I want to ensure that when people are searching for sweepstakes that the Sweeps Atlas site is included in the search results - and part of this post is written in a more personal matter because, as I note later, I have been a sweepstaker myself for years and years.  I highly recommend that if you have never tried out this hobby you give it a go!!  It can be very rewarding and the community is just amazing!*


There is a new Sweeps Site blazing above other Sweepstaking sites at a rapid pace!!  Sweeps Atlas is by far one of the best Sweeping sites currently available in the online world!

Let me start this out by saying I am an on again, off again sweepstaker.  I have won some pretty impressive vacations (a week long vacation in the Bahamas, five days in California for a Tough Mudder event, a weekend in South Beach, Florida and a weekend at an insane water park in MI just to name my top four favorite ones 😊), electronics, gift cards and in general fun products doing this hobby over the past decade or so.  I would say over the years a minimum of $50,000 in winnings...  I absolutely love it - but it does take a little bit of patience and time to get good results.

Up until about 6 months ago, I was very loyal to one particular sweeps site for many years.  It has gone belly up due to reasons not really specified by the owner 😞 It was a very popular site with thousands of users.  During the early stages of demise with that site, when it was clear it was shutting down, I began searching for a new 'home' for my sweepstaking hobby.  This is when I found Sweeps Atlas 💗

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Dirty Dozen MC Edition Book Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway Ended - Congrats to the Winners!!

Welcome to my seventh hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!! I could NOT pass up this tour!!  I mean Bikers, Tattoos and Hot Romance??!!  Your in for a wild ride with these 12 books!!!  Don't take my word for it though!  Read through a short synopses of all the books below and check out the AMAZING authors in the scroll through widget, then enter the sweet, sweet Giveaway using the Rafflecopter Widget 😉!

The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition 
Genre: MC Romance Anthology 
Publication Date: November 23, 2019

with stories by

Elle Boon, VR Baucke, Gemma Arlington, Lauren Firminger, Kay Maree, 
Sammy King, Khloe Wren, Penny Blush, Kathleen Kelly, Ember Raine Winters, Natasha Thomas  

Friday, November 22, 2019

2019 Blog Survey and Giveaway

Giveaway Ended 😉 Giveaway Winner is Christina O.!  Congratulations!
Survey will remain open till 12/31/19 😁

Survey now Closed!  Thank You for Completing the Survey!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Educating Inmates Part 3

As noted in Part 2 of this Educating Inmates, for Part 3 I will be going over some of the exercises for both the mind and body that I teach to my inmates to help keep their bodies and minds healthy while incarcerated and of course some of the weird shit people have said to me concerning this topic 😆

Incarceration can be very taxing on the body not only mentally but physically as well.  In small county jails like mine, there are no weight rooms, outside areas or big, common areas.  Exercise space, therefore, is very limited - of course, there is a rec area but in the grand scheme of things, it is very small; and while the inmates do get down to that area a couple of times a week, there is usually too many people to really to do any real type of freestyle exercises.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sleepless Nights Book Tour and Giveaway Hop

Giveaway is now closed - Congratulations Sarah M. ;)

Welcome to my sixth hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!! If there is one thing you have realized about me, it's that I LOVE horror in any form!! So I am especially excited to be hosting for this Book Tour and Giveaway!!  Below you'll find a short excerpt from the stories, author and purchase information and a sweet giveaway!

Sleepless Nights 
168 Horror, Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense Short Stories 
by Tobias Wade 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Unbreakable by Colette Davison - Release Blitz and Giveaway

Giveaway now closed - Verified Winner  :)


Book Title: Unbreakable (a Heaven and Hell Club prequel)

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date: November 14, 2019

Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance

Trope/s: Fake boyfriend

Themes: Self-belief, stronger together, faithfulness, friendship

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 65 000 words

It’s a prequel to Broken, but can be read as a standalone.

Welcome to my First hosting for Gay Book Promotions!! I'm so excited to be hosting for The Release Blitz of Unbreakable!!  I've added a Giveaway of my own devising to help spread the word about this new release from Colette Davison :)  Rules and Giveaway below!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Super Stocking Stuffer 2019 Giveaway Hop

Closed - Winner Verified :)

It's getting to be that time of the year again when the snow is piling up and everyone starts to stress about family get-togethers and finding the perfect present for their loved ones 😂

So, I figured I'd join this AMAZING Giveaway Hop Hosted by The Kids Did It and The Mommy Island to remind you to take some time for yourself and relax a little!!

Educating Inmates Part 2

As I mentioned in Part 1 my of Educating Inmates series, in this Part 2, I will be going over some of the outrageously dangerous misconceptions I have heard from inmates concerning their medications, drug use and diagnoses and how I have educated them - as well as some interesting, random facts on popular meds, illegal drugs and homeopathic medical treatments that might surprise you!!  So grab some coffee and enjoy ☕

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Educating Inmates Part 1

One of the biggest and most disturbing things I have noticed during my career as a nurse is the complete lack of understanding from my patients on their medications, drug use and diagnoses.

Most of my patients do not know both the brand and generic name of their medications let alone how they work within their bodies, their possible side effects or how long the medication is supposed to work for.  They don't know how the illegal drugs they are using affect their body systems in the long run or even how they are made AND crazily enough, over half my patients have no idea what their actual diagnosis is that made them get prescribed their medications or what the diagnosis means for them!

Granted, a handful or more of my specific patients (inmates) are bullshitting the system to get their hands on prescriptions that they do not need (cough, cough drug seekers cough, cough) but even in these instances, most have no idea how the medication actually works within them.

Is this lack of education due to just not caring?, blind faith in the medical community or their dealer?, laziness of the medical professional whom prescribed the medication? or just straight up inability to comprehend the educational matter concerning the medications?  I am not completely sure what the absolute correct answer is but I believe it to be a little of ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Christmas Treasures Book Tour and Giveaway

Closed - Winners Verified and Noted in Widget Below ;)

Welcome to my fifth hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!! I'm so excited to be hosting for the Christmas Treasures Book Tour and Giveaway!!  This is an Anthology of Holiday Fiction written by some pretty amazing writers!!

Read all about them and these books below!!  Don't forget to enter the Giveaway at the bottom of this posting!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Simple Grounding Mental Health Exercise

Stress / Anxiety / Turmoil

With the upcoming holidays in mind I wanted to share with you one of the mental exercises I give to my inmates to help with keeping their emotions in check.  It's a quick and dirty start to helping gain control over your feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious.  

I've had very good feedback with it from those that have given it a fair try.  The best part is that this mental exercise can be used anywhere, at any time, for as many times as you need and the steps are easy to remember!

Used properly this exercise can help you to focus on the now and find some peace from everyday stressors.

Self care and reflection is an important daily ritual you should be doing... well, on the daily!!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Apex Coins / Amazon GC Giveaway

Ended - Verified Winner noted on Giveaway Widget Below :)

Apex is my ALL TIME FAVORITE PC game!!

I was turned onto the game after watching my son play it and have been hooked ever since!  You can play with family, friends or by yourself 👍  It is one of my 'guilty pleasures' - you know, when I'm supposed to be domesticating, but I just don't feel like doing the laundry or dishes for the millionth time.... 

Here is the Official Trailer for Season 3 of Apex Legends which opened on October 1, 2019

You can download it and play it for free on the PC here:

There are so many different things you can do in the game, it is NEVER the same and the "rounds" of game play are not very long.  You can play one whole game in about 15 to 20 minutes... if you can last that long without dying!!