
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Unbreakable by Colette Davison - Release Blitz and Giveaway

Giveaway now closed - Verified Winner  :)


Book Title: Unbreakable (a Heaven and Hell Club prequel)

Author: Colette Davison

Publisher: Independently published

Cover Artist: Colette Davison

Release Date: November 14, 2019

Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance

Trope/s: Fake boyfriend

Themes: Self-belief, stronger together, faithfulness, friendship

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 65 000 words

It’s a prequel to Broken, but can be read as a standalone.

Welcome to my First hosting for Gay Book Promotions!! I'm so excited to be hosting for The Release Blitz of Unbreakable!!  I've added a Giveaway of my own devising to help spread the word about this new release from Colette Davison :)  Rules and Giveaway below!

Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited

From fake, to real, to unbreakable.


Mac’s life isn’t perfect, but he likes it the way it is: safe and predictable.

Mac works in a struggling pole dancing club at night, and a gym during the day. He’s tired and cash strapped, but content, until a confident twink walks into the club and turns his life upside down. It’s hard to resist when Russel asks him to be his fake boyfriend for one night, in return for double his normal take-home pay.

One date turns into more, as Mac helps Russel get an exclusive that will secure him the job he’s always wanted. But the rich playboy who holds Russel’s career in his hands isn’t going to give him the scoop so easily.

As Mac and Russel spend more time together, the lines between fake and real begin to get blurred, but can their relationship become strong enough to be unbreakable in the face of adversity?

Unbreakable is a fake boyfriend MM romance, with a buff pole dancer who swears like a trooper, a twink who likes to take charge, some spanking, light bondage, and a happy ever after. It’s a prequel story to Broken, but can be read as a standalone romance.


The city centre was packed, and a steady stream of well-dressed shoppers moved in and out of the posh department store. Mac really didn’t belong there, let alone loitering outside it. He was about to give up and go home—he’d been waiting for almost half an hour—when Russel appeared out of the crowd and flounced up to him.

“You were early!”

Mac narrowed his eyes. “You’re late.”

Russel waved his hand. “Only by a few minutes.” His eyes travelled up and down Mac’s body, full lips pursed thoughtfully. “Are those the nicest clothes you’ve got?”

Mac looked down at his tatty jeans, threadbare coat, and death metal T-shirt. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Russel nodded towards the doors to the store. “We might have a problem getting in there. Not to worry.” He looped his arm through Mac’s. “There are plenty of other shops in Leeds. This way.”

Mac opened his mouth to object but snapped it shut again.

“I thought we’d do a bit of shopping and then grab a coffee somewhere,” Russel said. “We need to get a few facts straight before this evening.”

“What facts?”

“How long we’ve been together, what star sign we both are, favourite colours, hobbies… that sort of thing.”

“Is that really necessary?”


Mac shook his head. Russel probably wasn’t a psycho, but he was a demanding son of a bitch. There was no way he was going to remember those kinds of stupid details about a fucking stranger. He kept his thoughts to himself. Russel was paying him, and that was all that mattered.

About the Author 

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.

Social Media Links for this Great Author!

Once you've read through the blitz and entered my giveaway below, please consider checking out the other fun reviews and and posts concerning the Unbreakable Release Blitz using the link below!

*Disclaimer and Rules: Giveaway is my own - winner will be chosen via rafflecopter randomizer at the end of the giveaway and posted both on this post as well as to my winners page found here: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings 2019 Winners Page
Giveaway is a Daily Entry, 18+ in the US only
One Winner - Prize is a $5 Amazon e-Gift Card (enough monies to purchase this new book from Kindle on Amazon if you so choose to!)
Giveaway will run from 11/14/19 (Release Day!) to 11/21/19 11:59pm est

a Rafflecopter giveaway