
Monday, December 9, 2019

K9 Pro Aloe and Oatmeal Cucumber Melon Dog Shampoo Review

*Disclaimer: I received this product in exchange for a review on how I feel about the product after using it.*

Quick and Dirty Post Synopsis 😉

Product: K9 Pro Aloe and Oatmeal Cucumber Melon Dog Shampoo (16oz/474mL)
Price: $15.76 on Amazon (at time of posting)
Would I Buy This Product Now That I've Reviewed It?  Yes

Full (Adorable) Review using Charlie (my teeny-tiny chihuahua/yorkie pup - age 6) 😍:

K9 Pro Aloe and Oatmeal Cucumber Melon Dog Shampoo

Let's start off this review with some specific details about the product, then we'll get into all the cuteness that is Charlie 💓

Tag Line: Life Is Better With Dogs In It (love love love this 💘)
It is Hypoallergenic and Soap Free
Can be used on Dogs, Cats AND Horses of any age or breed
It's made in the USA
It's GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Approved
The First Ingredient listed in the product is WATER!! 👍

First I had to choose which pup would benefit the most from this shampoo.  Charlie was the winner as he is always scratching himself on the cat tree 😂  It's cute but I hate to see him being so itchy all the time!!  

The smell of the Cucumber Melon, to me, is strong and a little weird for a dog scent to be honest.  The fragrance is so strong that after popping the cap and security lid off of the bottle, my daughter, in the next room over I might add, thought I had put a melt-away candle in the bathroom!  So when I set the bottle down on the floor for Charlie to smell, I can understand why Charlie shied away from it.  He was a good sport though and hopped right into the tub for bath time!
Time for the #k9pro #dogshampoo!!
After getting him sufficiently wet it was time for the shampoo application.  To start, I used enough shampoo to cover my palm, which seems like a lot but, because the shampoo is so thick, it's really wasn't.

As you can see from the photo on the left, it was not quite enough to get Charlie all sudsy and so I had to put about another half dollar sized amount on him, which was just the perfect amount.

Suds after putting on a touch more #k9Pro Shampoo

First Sudsing - Not quite enough 👆

And of course, like any obsessed doggo mommy, I had to do the alfalfa hair do and get in a quick photo shoot in during the second sudsing 😆

Alfalfa Hair Do 😂 
Once I had the shampoo applied, I didn't feel like the scent was as strong, which is good because the directions state to leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing for best results 😉

So Patient!!
While we were waiting for the time to go by, we played with the water sprayer in the tub and took a couple of pictures.  Side Note: He sat so nicely while I bumbled my way through trying to get the right camera angles and lighting to show the sudsing details.  👌

Time for a Rinse Mom?
Finally, after rinsing, he was ready to get his face washed up and get dried off.

I'm ready to come out now!
I debated on whether or not to use a towel or blow dry him - I decided to towel dry as he usually hates the blow dryer and after using him as my first guinea pig I thought it was the nice thing to do!

All clean and fluffy 😍
My other four dogs (yes, you read that right 😂 I have five total puppers) LOVED the way Charlie smelled after his bath and kept following him around the house sniffing at him!  I brought the shampoo bottle out to the kitchen to try and get a few after bath pictures (which did not turn out so well because Charlie was annoyed at the other pups trying to get all up in his business lol) and the pups were literally begging me to get a sniff of the shampoo 🙌

Look at these beggars!!! 😂
The smell of the shampoo is NOT super strong once it's on the dog - it is definitely present but it's a soft scent that wafts up from the fur when you are petting him and surprisingly the smell lasted two whole days before wearing off!!  Other dog shampoos that we have used last no more then a few hours after bath time.

Charlie has not been itching nearly as much as he was before using this shampoo, which makes this fur baby mama very happy!

And the best part of this experience is that his fur doesn't feel 'wirey' like usual - it's got a soft texture.  
I can't get over it!!

So, would I recommend this product?  That's an absolute YES!
Between the price point, how many baths I'll be able to get out of the bottle and the effects it has on my pup, I feel it is a great deal and a great product!!

Buy your own bottle HERE on Amazon!!

Have you had any experience with this product?  Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are on it!!

#k9pro #dogshampoo

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