
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Blog Survey Results

2019 Blog Survey Results

The survey was up from November 22, 2019 through December 31, 2019

There were a total of 58 Participants

Question 1: Tell me how you found my blog originally :) Was it a sweepstake site? Which one? Was it on Social Media? Which one? Was it through a Google search? etc.

Summary of Answers:

Referral from Friend/Blog6
Through a Sweeps Site5
Google Search4
Through a Giveaway4
Don't Remember3
Sweeps Atlas3
Contest Chest1
Winning Prize Search.Com1

As you can see most of the participants at the time of the survey were coming from the listing I posted on OLS - It will be interesting to see how this changes at the end of 2020 when I repeat this question on the yearly survey.

Question 2: What kinds of articles do you enjoy reading? For example: Educational, News, Product Reviews, Unusual or Weird, Personal Stories, DIY, Recipes etc. (more than one answer is encouraged!)

Summary of Answers:

Food/Recipes 24
DIY / Up-cycling / Crafts 18
Product Reviews 17
Personal Stories 13
Weird / Unusual 12
Giveaways 7
Current Events / News 5
Educational 4
Media (Movie / Book Reviews etc.) 4
Any / Generic Answer 3
Health / Exercise  3
Disney 1
Environmental 1
Kids / Family 1
Religious 1
Travel Reviews 1

Number one answer was Food and Recipe Articles for this question.  Using these results, I am going to do a Series Recipe Posting on the blog - I'm going to try for weekly 😉 I got an AWESOME new cookbook that I will be using for the recipes!  It's going to be EPIC!!


Question 3: If you said Product Reviews: What kinds of products do you look up reviews for?

Summary of Answers:

Electronics 13
Food / Recipe / Kitchen Gadgets 9
Health / Beauty 7
Generic Answer 4
Household Items 4
Kids Items 4
Media (movie / game / book) Reviews 4
Cleaning Products 3
Clothing 3
New Products on the Market 3
Travel Items 2
Art Supplies 1

I am always in search of new reviews to do on the blog - Since getting these results, I have been focusing on trying to get more electronic reviews up and around.  So far, nada, BUT I'm hoping 2020 is a little better 😁


Question 4: Tell me something you really like to see on a blog site! (please do not call out any particular blog! and be specific for instance, don't just say good content state what type of content) - if there nothing please type in NULL

Summary of Answers:

Giveaways 13
Reviews of any Kind 8
Recipes 5
Saving Money (DIY / Upcycle) 5
Craft Tutorials 4
Lots of Pictures 4
Health and Wellness Content 3
Personal Stories 3
Clean Uncluttered Site 2
Coupons / Deals / Sales 2
Generic Answers 2
Advice Columns 1
Consistent Content Posting 1
Easy to Navigate Site 1
Educational Content 1
Humor 1
Pagan Articles 1
Quick and Easy Content 1

This survey question result was as expected.  I am always in search of getting new giveaways up on the blog 💗


Question 5: Tell me something you really dislike to see on a blog (please do not call out any particular blog! and be specific for instance, don't just say ads if really it's pop up ads that you dislike) - if there nothing please type in NULL

Summary of Answers:

Pop-Up or too many Ads 12
Long Load Times 4
Politics 4
Guest Posts 3
Overly Sweet or Mean Reviews 3
No Personal Touches 2
Too Many Personal Touches 2
Unclear Navigation for Site (no search box etc.) 2
Bad Editing 1
Bashing or Negativity in Comments 1
Cluttered Site 1
Copied or Rip Off Reviews 1
Long Videos or No Sound Videos 1
Religion 1
Required Comments on Giveaways 1
Swearing on Blog 1

YUCK!!  I also do not like pop-up ads and will not go back to a blog that has pop-up ads on their site usually - even if I like their content!!  I am telling you now, I will NEVER put pop-up ads on my blog!!!  Interesting that both Too little and Too much personal touches were dead even...  😂


Question 6: Tell me in your own words what would have to be present on a blog to make you come back to a blog on a regular basis - if there is nothing please type in NULL

Summary of Answers:

Giveaways/Contests 22
Interesting Content / Variety of Content 17
Regular Current/Updated Content/Reviews 13
Humor in Content 4
Pictures  2
Weekly Email Updates 1
Regular Social Media Posts  1
Easy/Understandable Layout 1
Few Ads 1

Again, not really surprised by the number one answer of Giveaways for this survey question.


Question 7: Please name at least two other blogs that you frequent - if you do not frequent any other blogs please type in NULL (if there is only one, please type in just the one)

Summary of Answers:

Gay NYC Dad 4
Silver Dagger Book Tours 2
Two Classy Chics 2
Rita's Reviews 2
Jen Hamm 1
Savings in Seconds  1
Raising Three Savvy Ladies 1
Beck Valley Books 1
Confessions of a Frugal Mom 1
Mom Does Reviews  1
Erica Finds  1
Emily Reviews 1
Maria's Space 1
Michigan Saving & More 1
Deliciously Savvy 1
USA Love List 1
Pausitive Living 1
I Can Has Cheezburger 1
The Nutritionist Reviews 1
Hip2Save 1
Totally Target 1
SouthernPlate 1
Maddow 1
The Bloggess 1
Crunch Beach Momma 1
J's Everyday Fashion 1
Southern Mom 1
Miss Molly Says 1
New Age Mama 1
Raise Your Garden 1
Lori's Reading Corner 1
SteamyKitchen 1
Choly Knight 1
Shop with me Mama 1
Mom It Forward 1
Debbie Macomber 1
All the Ups and Downs 1
The Frugal Grandma 1
Addicted 2 Decorating 1
Niche Pursuits 1
Red Stary East 1
Proud Italian Cook 1
Chaching Queen 1
Versatileer 1

These results did and did not surprise me.  I figured I would get a pretty long list BUT I am surprised at the sheer variety of blogs people listed.  Some I have heard of, some I have not 😃
I have hyperlinked the top 4 as they were listed as being frequented by more then one person 😎

All in all, I think for the Blog being restarted in the end of September 2019, the amount of readers whom participated is spectacular!!  It has given me direction in which to move the blog, which was it's intended purpose 👍

Thank You to everyone who participated!!!

Any questions or comments?  Please feel free to shoot me a comment!!!

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