
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Fat Mack's BBQ Baby Back Ribs Recipe and Review

💗Supernatural The Official Cookbook💗

Main Ingredient

2 Racks Baby Pork Ribs

What You'll Need for the Dry Rub

1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup loosely packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder

What You'll Need to Finish Off the Ribs

2 cups smoky barbecue sauce
side dish(es) of choice
incidental cooking supplies will include aluminum foil, cookie sheet(s), measuring spoons and cups and a cooking brush (not including side dish prep and cook needs)


About 4 hours with prep and cook time combined (not including side dish prep or cook)
**Don't let the long time frame scare you!!  These are worth it!**

Making This Delicious Recipe

Easy instructions for this one!!

  • Wash and dry the ribs 
  • Take the membrane off the back of the ribs with a sharp knife 
  • Place the ribs individually on their own aluminum foil pieces (enough to wrap entirely)
  • Preheat the oven to 250°F

  • Mix together all ingredients for the dry rub
  • Apply the rub to the ribs generously
  • Wrap the ribs in their perspective aluminum foil pieces completely
  • Put in the oven for 2 hours

  • After the 2 hours is up remove ribs from the oven and let them sit for 15 minutes
  • Increase oven temp to 350°F
  • Open the aluminum foil up and pour off any liquids that have pooled
  • Apply the BBQ sauce over top the ribs
    • It's important to note here that you may not want to use the entire 2 cups this recipe calls for - you want to brush on enough of the sauce to cover but not so much that it is pooling!!  The goal here is to have the BBQ sauce make a 'shell' of sorts, not a soggy mess!
  • Place the ribs back into the oven LEAVING THE ALUMINUM FOIL OPEN this time for an additional 40 minutes of cook time

  • Remove the completed ribs from the oven and let sit for 10 minutes
  • Plate these amazingly delicious ribs with your sides and serve

My family LOVES this recipe!!

Notes of Interest

The ribs do have a small bite because of the cayenne powder but it's not enough to burn your mouth or need gallons of water to drink while your eating them 😋

Don't expect the ribs to 'fall apart' with this recipe - ours turned out to be easily pulled apart using only our hands but did not do that melty thing that ribs sometimes do.

My one and only recommendation with this recipe is to eat all of it in the same day.
In our household we will only occasionally have leftovers as we usually try to make only what we need/want for a meal at once.  In order to keep the recipe as it's noted in the cookbook we cooked that second rack of ribs with the intent to eat them the next day.  Now, usually, we love leftovers!  BUT nobody liked them as much as they did when they were first cooked...  I tried them cold and don't recommend that at all, the flavors were not as savory in my opinion and the meat was tough.  My son warmed his up in the microwave and didn't recommend that either, he said the flavors just didn't taste the same and the meat had toughened up 'a bit'.  My partner slathered hers in more BBQ sauce and stuck hers in the oven for about 15 minutes on 300°F.  She did not enjoy them as much either stating that, she couldn't really taste the flavor of the rub and the meat was definitely tougher than it had been the previous night.

I hope you enjoyed this review!!  If you try it or have already tried it let me know!!!  I would love to hear how it turned out for you!

Interested in this cookbook??  I've conveniently put my affiliate linking for it below ;)
Just remember that by purchasing a product using my affiliate links, there is NO additional cost to you!!  It just provides me with a small kickback to keep the blog running and the giveaways coming!!!

DISCLAIMER:  I was not compensated in any way for this recipe or review.  All cooking utensils and food pictured are my own.  My opinions of the recipe are my own.

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