
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Sycophant Blog Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway has Ended - Winner Noted in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Thirteenth hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!!

Below you will find not one, but two small excerpts from the book, as well as information on the amazing Author, Meagan J. Meehan 💘  I recommend checking out her social media links - she is quite accomplished!  As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop (links posted under the giveaway widget)!!  

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

by Meagan J. Meehan 
Genre: Horror 
Publisher: Alban Lake Publishing LLC

Dawn Daniels has always been aware of the dark force within her; a possession that is both the bane of her life and her fierce protector, Dawn must find a way to accept her reality and embrace her destiny. 


Excerpt 1:

        I knew there was something seriously wrong with me before anybody else even suspected it. At first, the signs were scarce—vague, as educated folks would say—but by the time I was seven I’d seen the pattern and figured that all the dark stuff in life was my doing. Not on purpose, mind you, I didn’t ever harm nobody on purpose until I was well into my twenties, but I’ve been a one-woman wrecking ball since I was a baby. It wasn’t my fault; it was my momma’s will for her baby girl.

 Excerpt 2:

            When I was little, everything seemed okay because no one noticed the pattern for years. My life with gramma was stable and loving and pleasant. We were happy, so while we registered the misfortunes that continuously took place all around us, we suspected nothing—hell, for all I know, gramma never did. But I wised up right quick. 
It started out slowly, unassumingly. First, my gramma's friends started dying off. Heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms; some were fatal and others were merely damaging, but all were very sudden and severe. Granted, most of my gramma’s friends were around her age or older and most people chalked it up to midlife health issues; such things are to be expected, especially in poor coal country. But then Lena Harker—the mailman's wife—took ill with cancer and wasted away before everybody's eyes. She was barely thirty. Chris, the aforementioned mailman, was never the same after that; he quit his job and spent the last years of his life drinking himself to death. Two weeks later, gramma’s neighbor’s—a jolly couple called the Parkers—three-year-old granddaughter tripped down the front porch steps and snapped her neck; she was dead before she hit the ground. Two months later, her mother—the Parkers’ only child—drowned herself. Some said it was an accident, others speculated suicide. Either way, grief was the culprit. The Parkers were never jolly again. 
All throughout my formative years friends, neighbors, and acquaintances had illnesses, had accidents, went broke, went crazy, went missing—oddly, no one thought any of it was strange. It seemed to be just a series of sad happenings over the courses of several lives. That was possible, reasonable even. After all, I was just a baby back then. Who would have connected the dots and realized that all the blighted individuals had been in my direct vicinity right before disaster struck?

Meagan J. Meehan is a published author, poet, cartoonist, and produced playwright. She pens columns for the Great South Bay Magazine, Blasting News, KidskinthaBlog, and Entertainment Vine. She is also a stop-motion animator and an award-winning abstract artist. Meagan holds a Bachelors in English Literature, a Masters in Communication, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Educational Psychology. She is an animal advocate and a fledgling toy, game, and shoe designer. 

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 01/02/20 - 02/02/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority  *This is a Creative Presentation*  Prize is for a $10 Amazon Gift Card.  Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell him HI from me 😉

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Jan 2

Jan 3

Jan 4

Jan 5

Jan 6

Jan 7

Jan 8

Jan 9

Jan 10

Jan 11

Jan 12

Jan 13

Jan 14

Jan 15

Jan 16

Jan 17

Jan 18

Jan 19

Jan 20

Jan 21

Jan 22

Jan 23

Jan 24

Jan 25

Jan 26

Jan 27

Jan 28

Jan 29

Jan 30

Jan 31

Feb 1

Feb 2
Midnight Book Reader


  1. I love Meagan's work

  2. I like the cover. It is very well done with great graphics.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  3. It reminds me of Rocky Horror Picture Show for some reason.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    This is author Meagan J. Meehan--I'm so glad you all liked the cover! An artist named Jason Dube did it for me exactly as I imagined it! He's an amazing artist and has his own company, Scattered Comics.

    If you're interested in hearing more of my horror work, the incredible Chilling Tales for Dark Nights has gotten their incredibly talented audio narrators to perform many of my tales on YouTube. You can see/hear them here:

    And whoever said this reminds them of "Rocky Horror Picture Show," you've made my day! That movie is outrageously awesome, lol.

  5. Stephanie Larison2:04 AM, January 05, 2020

    I like the cover. It's interesting enough to where I would flip the book over and see what it's about.

  6. The cover is awesome! Very intriguing!

  7. I love the cover!It really makes me want to read the book!

  8. It's an interesting cover and I do like it.

  9. I love the cover, has the perfect mysterious appearance! no19034770@yahooDOTcom

  10. I think the cover is really cool!

  11. I love the cover,it makes me wonder what's lurking in the smoke.

  12. scary book cover , and the book sounds interesting.

  13. The book cover is intriguing. It makes me want to read the book.

  14. i would like to read this, i like the cover.

  15. It reminds me of a cover from the '70's. Maybe Cream?

  16. I really like the cover of the book. It reminds me of something, but I'm not sure exactly what. Something fun though...maybe Rocky Horror. it would make me stop and pick it up for sure
