Monday, February 3, 2020

Antique Glass Syringe Encounter

 One of my Correctional Officers found and brought in this awesome antique glass syringe and a few pieces of other antique syringes 😍  How cool is that?!!

As a Correctional Nurse in a small county jail, I don't really get too many opportunities to use syringes.  We get our fair share of insulin dependent diabetics, but most of them are using the 'pen' injections now.
Not that I want to poke people with needles but..... sometimes it's fun 😂

I've had the occasional inmate whom has some sort of chronic disease such as MS in which they require a weekly shot, or inmates whom elect to begin the Vivitrol program and of course I get to do lab draws (which I have gotten extremely good at - not to be narcissistic but when most of your patients have scarred and blown veins due to intravenous drug use and you get a good draw on your first try....  it's a pretty big deal) 

If you are interested I found a short history on the syringe, because I'm nerd for this kind of stuff 🤓 
It's actually full of fun information concerning the development and use of syringes (at least what I consider to be fun information... 😂)  I've quoted some of the more fun facts below 😁

Did You Know
By the middle of the (19th) century Lafargue had developed a technique of placing solid morphine based pellets under the skin. Initially this was achieved by simply making a hole with a large needle and pushing the pellet into the hole. Over time an instrument was developed to aid this procedure which Lafargue called the ‘seringue seche’ or dry syringe.
The first truly disposable ‘syringes’ to be produced in large quantities were originally designed by James T Greeley around 1912. These were collapsible tin tubes (a bit like a modern tube of superglue) that had an attached needle and contained a specific amount of morphine for subcutaneous injection on the battlefield. These were used in the 1st World War and were further developed during the 1920’s and 30’s to become the morphine Syrette manufactured by Squibb. 
Until the1960’s the majority of needles and syringes used outside of warfare, were re-useable and were supplied unsterilised. They had to be sterilised before each use.
I would totally collect all the antique medical equipment if I lived alone, but my partner finds that stuff a little too creepy to be keeping in the house on display 👀 on a full time basis, so she takes me out to see other peoples collections throughout the year and of course, we compromised, and I get to collect and display creepy stuff for Halloween (which is my FAVORITE holiday 💓)

Do you collect any 'creepy' stuff?  Let me know via commenting below!!  Pictures get you brownie points!!! 😂

Check out these two books I found on Amazon!

*affiliate links*

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