
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Thirst Trap Book Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway has ended - Winners in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Thirty Fifth Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours 🌊

Thirst Trap is a contemporary romance that highlights the struggles of every day life and relationships with humor and charm.  I've included an excerpt for you to read to help you get an idea of this wonderful authors writing style :)
As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget.  Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

Thirst Trap 
by Zachary Ryan 
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance 

Tragedy comes in all forms, and you never know how you’ll deal with it. Four friends have all dealt with their fair share of struggles. Dillion, an aspiring writer with writers block because of his brothers sudden death, Jesse the emotional stunted drink thanks to his boyfriend’s suicide, Ivan the abused victim just looking for a place to call home, and Leo the stubborn romantic trying to get his friends to open up, while keeping his issues close to his chest. 

With these four friends, they avoid all their elephants in the room like a death card agreement between Dillion and Jesse, Ivan completely hoping his abusive lover with change or even Leo focusing on his friends problems instead of his own. Can these four friends learn to embrace and accept their own tragedy or will they be stuck in the past? 

Thirst Trap is a humorous coming of age novel dealing with sexuality, tragedy, substance abuse and the most beautiful insane friendships. 

We took a couple more shots before heading to another bar to end our night. Jesse and Leo were outside smoking when I saw that Ivan was texting Jay. “Is everything okay?” I asked.  Ivan looked up and smiled. “Yeah. Jay just wanted to tell me to have a good night, and he put some water and aspirin out for me for my hangover in the morning.” I was taken aback by that comment. I figured Jay would want him home asap. “So, you guys are good?” “I think we’re finally on the same page. I see Jesse is himself again, and I think I saw a smile come out on Leo’s face,” he said.  “Maybe we’ve figured it all out. We’ve gotten through the rough parts of our lives,” I said. We were all starting to place the groundwork for our future. We might have had some bumps, but it was smooth sailing from here.  Jesse and Leo came back in from outside. We continued to have a couple more shots before the bar closed up. We stumbled outside and I wanted nothing more than to go to the beach. We were only a couple blocks from it. “Let’s go to the beach.” “Bitch, it’s five in the morning. I want to go to sleep and a get a slice of pizza,” Leo said.  I could see the sun was already coming up. “Come on. It’s my birthday. Let’s go,” I said. I grabbed Leo’s hand and started pulling him toward the beach.  “If I wake up with sand everywhere, you’re coming over to clean the shit up, hooker,” Leo said.  We got to the beach and took a seat in the sand. It was an early spring morning. We were chilly, but we started to see the sunrise from its slumber. We watched as the colors dance across the sky, and it was the birth of a new day, a new page, and a new chapter. We were turning our pages to something hopeful. We all looked at that sunset trying to find solace in our lives. We were drunks, bitches, fuck ups, and completely lost with ourselves, but right then, I had never felt more like I belonged in that moment with these three beautiful souls.  

Zachary Ryan grew up in a black-and-white box in Maryland, before moving to Chicago to start a new life. There, he found that he was accepted for his misfit status—and learned that it’s perfectly normal to spend your twenties feeling lost and confused.

After a disastrous sexual encounter, Ryan stumbled on a group of true friends, or “soul cluster,” that he connected with. Through his writing, he hopes to help other broken souls out there find comfort amid the chaos. 

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 02/19/20 - 03/19/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*
Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell him HI from me ðŸ˜‰

Two Prizes:
First Prize: a $15 Amazon GC
Second Prize: Signed copies of the High School Queens Trilogy and a Signed copy of Thirst Trap

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. The story line caught my attention. I am more than a little intrigued by the dynamic. The story itself is unique

  2. Looks like a fun book by looking at the cover.


  3. I like the cover. It looks like a fun book.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  4. David Hollingsworth2:22 PM, February 19, 2020

    The cover looks playful.

  5. I like the cover and the book sounds interesting!

  6. Are they supposed to the the monsters n the cover? Can go either way Rosanne
    rosans4comcast (dot) net

  7. Interesting cover! I like the colors!

  8. This looks like a great book and I'd love to read soon! Do you still live in Chicago? Have any favorite restaurants or bars?

  9. I love the cover - it looks like four close friends having a great time.

  10. The cover is nice and pleasant.
    Ashley c
    Addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  11. I like the plot so far. I would love to read more!

  12. Cover looks fun! Thanks for sharing with us!

  13. This is definitely an interesting story. I like the realistic feel of it so far ... like in life often times we have the chaos of figuring everything out... figuring out relationships and our purpose or whatever but then there are these beautiful moments of clarity from events like watching the sunrise on a beach that helps us put things into perspective.

  14. the cover looks awesome, thanks for this!

  15. Jessica Anderson9:07 PM, March 15, 2020

    The cover makes me think of moments that I have bonded with friends.

  16. The cover is fun and youthful!

  17. The cover looks interesting and very new age

  18. My grandson would enjoy this book

  19. I really like the title! It sounds like it would be a very fun read.

  20. I like it, has me interested to learn more.

  21. The book cover is very interesting. It makes me want to read the book for sure.

  22. For me personally the cover says it's not something I'd be interested in .... perhaps that's on purpose. The target audience might be college kids

  23. I think the book sounds great and I would love to read it.

  24. This looks like it's going to be a fun read! I've added it to my wish list!

  25. The cover give the impression of an older man's Spring Break which sounds interesting. I have no questions for the author.
