
Friday, February 7, 2020

Your Friendly Neighborhood (Jail) Drug Dealer

My inmates have affectionately nick-named me the friendly neighborhood drug dealer.  Every time I come to the door to pass meds they're all like 'drug dealer's here!' lol - it sounds like a dig but it's actually a cute nickname.  I forget how it started originally but with each wave of new inmates that pass through the jail, the tradition gets carried on.  It's extra funny because we (my county jail) do not give out any of the 'good' drugs.  We do not give any narcotics, controlled meds or high abuse medications.  Basically just 'need for life' meds, in fact the biggest pain med we give is Tylenol or Naproxen 😂

Passing meds was the 'I made it' thought when I was going through all my pre-reqs for Nursing school.  I remember thinking how cool it was going to be when I finally was able to really 'be a nurse' and pass medications 😂  I was so young and naive back then!

After getting my LPN, before attaining my RN, I worked for a nursing home as my first real nursing job.  It was literally all about med passes, paperwork and wound care.  I wasn't able to 'bond' with any of my patients because I was on the move constantly...  so I ended up quitting after about a year.  I moved onto a home care situation with a vent dependent young man on midnight's.  This was fine, other then I wasn't able to grow as a nurse - I was only taking care of one patient full time and although I got in that one on one time I was wanting as a nurse, it just wasn't for me.  So I left that job in search of something that was a better fit.  That is how I came to be a correctional nurse 😃  I seen an ad in my local paper for a nursing position at a local county jail.  I applied, not thinking I would get the job, as I had no experience in emergency care situations and was only an LPN.

My interview went swimmingly and I was hired on the spot!  I will never forget that interview or the lady whom took the chance on a new nurse and hired me 💗  She'll never know how much she changed my life.  I have worked for that particular county jail since then, went to school and received my RN and have worked my way up from floor nurse for the various companies that came in and out of that (and other) county jails, to being hired directly by the county themselves.  Now I run the entire medical department.

I truly can not see myself doing anything else at this point!  I LOVE the environment and am able to do all the things I love to do as a nurse.  I get to educate and help people whom truly need it.  Nothing is more rewarding then spending time with an inmate educating them and giving them the resources they need to become better individuals and then seeing it come to fruition.

What is your story?  Do you love what you do?  Let me know in the comments below!!

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