
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Glimmer Book Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway has ended - Winner in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Forty-Fifth Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours

The reviews for this debut book by Ashley Munoz on Amazon make me want to skip work and read it today!!  It's definitely going on my 'to be read' list!
Below, I've included an excerpt for you to peruse but don't forget to visit and follow the authors social media pages to stay up to date on her new publications!
As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget.  Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

by Ashley Munoz 
Genre: Contemporary MC Romance 

I'd heard about Jimmy the Fist.
I'd heard he was a single dad, a bar owner, and that he was tied to a dangerous motorcycle gang.
He's someone I'd stay away from in another life.

In this life, I was desperate for a job—preferably as a tax accountant—but scraping the bottom of my savings had stripped my preferences bare. I was desperate for something, anything that would help my mom.

Turns out he was desperate for something too—freedom—and when our worlds collide I realize too late that his demons didn't care how or with whom they collected their debt.

**This is a standalone romance/ suspense novel.** 

"Hey. You okay?" Jimmy asked, while tugging on my elbow.
I glanced down at his hand with my good eye. Was it weird that
I liked his hands? They were warm and felt really nice in
comparison to my throbbing eye.
"Yeah, just going to grab some ice real quick," I replied
coolly, covering the frantic tone that was trying to surface
through the pain.
He moved in front of me, then led the way
back to the kitchen. I focused on my posture instead of the
two, very defined lines of muscle that ran down Jimmy's back
that shifted under his t-shirt. He stopped in front of a drawer,
grabbed a small baggie, then moved to the freezer to fill it
with ice.
Expecting him to hand it over, I held out my palm, but to
my surprise, he invaded my space and held the bag of ice to
my face. In an instant, I felt heat rush through my body. He
was too close, with his scent and his warm hands. I held my
breath and waited for his inspection to be done. His warm
thumb ran over the corner of my eyelid. He tried to pry my
eye open, but it wouldn't budge.
"Trust me. I just need to make sure your eyeball is still in
there," he whispered, his warm breath fanning my face. I didn't
realize I had shut my other eye as well. I opened the good eye and
then let him work on my wounded one. It hurt like hell, but once
he pulled the eyelid open he did, in fact, verify that I had my
eyeball and there was no permanent damage, in his opinion.
Then he shocked me by gently blowing on my wounded eye.
He had the ice pack still held in place and with his other
hand, he was holding the back of my head.
He was so close to me, all I would have to do is tilt my head up a fraction, and we'd
be kissing. With my good eye, I caught his gaze and saw by the
way his eyes focused on my lips, he was thinking the same thing.
"I think you'll live, but keep this pack on once you get situated
in the fort, okay?" Jimmy broke the moment, handing me
the ice pack.
He took a few steps back and then headed
towards the fort. I nodded my head absently in understanding
and gripped the bag of ice, following after him while
wondering what exactly might have happened if he hadn't
ended that moment. Or if he had any plans to ever ask me on
a date again? I pushed those thoughts way, way out of my
head, and ignored my racing pulse as I situated myself on my

designated blanket spot.

Ashley lives in Oregon with her four children and Mr. Fix-It husband. 

If she's not helping her husband with DIY projects around the house, she's writing or sneaking off to a corner to read. She loves hearing from her fans. You can find her in her reader group or on Instagram, where she practically lives. 

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 03/10/20 - 03/24/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*
Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell them HI from me ðŸ˜‰

One Prize Consisting of a $25 Amazon Gift Card 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. Sounds like slow burn romantic suspense. Think I would really enjoy this book. Looks like a rollercoaster ride of emotions

  2. I like the cover. It is very cute.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  3. I look forward to reading this! Just from the excerpt the main character reminds me of one of my friends :)

  4. I like the cover, gives me warm thoughts of sun and fun..with a side of romance ((giggle)) I would ask the author, how she got into writing and at what age.

  5. I like the cover and the book sounds interesting!

  6. David Hollingsworth7:10 PM, March 10, 2020

    The cover is cute.

  7. I really like the cover! It def draws me in. Thank you

  8. I loved the blurb, and that cover is beautiful!

  9. Love the cover SUmmer is coming~

  10. I like the cover! It’s pretty and makes me interested
    Ashley c
    Addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  11. The cover is nice and I enjoyed the excerpt.

  12. I like the cover, it reminds me of summer and I'm more than ready for that!

  13. I like the excerpt and cover of the book!

  14. The cover is provocative but in a clean way.

  15. I like the cover! It sets the mood for the book!

  16. I'm not typically drawn to novels let alone relationship novels so I'd pass by this book based on that

  17. I like the cover, the story sounds intriguing.

  18. I really like the cover. The girl looks sassy.

  19. The cover definitely catches your eye and makes you want to read.

  20. I cover is alluring, I also enjoyed the excerpt.

  21. The book cover is intriguing. It makes me want to read the book.

  22. Cover makes me want summer to come now. Could be all the inside time too LOL

  23. Stephanie Larison3:13 PM, March 23, 2020

    I like the cover, it is cute. Makes me interested to learn more.

  24. The cover got my attention. It made me want to find out what the book was about.

  25. I really love the cover! The colors and models look great and intrigue readers. Thanks so much for the chances to win.

  26. The cover looks very modern.

  27. This book looks great! -DanV

  28. I do not find the cover to be especially eye catching and has really no relationship to the title. I have no questions for the author.

  29. I love the cover. It sounds like a great read.

  30. I like the cover and the story sounds like one I would really enjoy.
