
Sunday, April 19, 2020

20 MORE Medical Trivia Questions


1. What word does IV stand for?
2. What is Phlebitis?
3. What does a Pulse Oximeter do?
          3A. Bonus Question:  What is the normal range for readings?
4. What kind of fluid is being pulled out during a Lumbar Puncture?
5. Where on the body would you check for a Popliteal Pulse?
6. What instrument is used to see inside the ear canal?
7. What does it mean if you are diagnosed with Hirsutism?
8. How many Cranial Bones are there?
          8A. Bonus Question:  Name two of them.
9. Where is Wharton's Duct located in the body?
10. If you have an injury with swelling, should you use a heating pad or an ice pack?
11. Some people have 'this' type of pain after an amputation.
12. Percocet is made up of what two medications?
13. If you are laying down on your abdomen with your head to one side or the other, which position are you lying in?
14. What does a Diuretic Medication do for the Body?
15. What does it mean if you have a Contracture?
16. What system of Measurement is used by Medical Professionals?
17. If you were ordered to get a Medication via Transdermally, how would you be taking it?
18. What are the 5 Rights of Medication Administration?
19. What does MAR stand for?
20.What is the Shortened Medical Term for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs?
          20A. Bonus Question: Name an Example of this type of Medication.


1. Intravenous
2. Inflammation of a Vein
3. It Estimates Arterial Blood Oxygen Saturation
          3A. 95% to 100%
4. Spinal Fluid
5. Behind the Knee
6. Otoscope
7. You have Abnormal Hair Growth (Excessive in Areas like the Face, Back and Chest in Women)
8. There are 8 Cranial Bones
          8A. 1 Ethmoid, 1 Sphenoid, 1 Frontal, 2 Parietal, 2 Temporal and 1 Occipital Bone
9. In the mouth
10. Ice Pack
11. Phantom
12. Tylenol and oxycodone
13. Prone
14. Helps to Remove Excess Water from the Body
15. You have Permanent Shortening of a Muscle
16. Metric System
17. A Medication Patch Adhered to the Skin
18. Right Patient, Right Medication, Right Time, Right Dose, Right Route
19. Medication Administration Record
20. NSAIDs
          20A. Naproxen, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Motrin, Advil, Indocin

Want even more Medical Trivia?  Check out these 50 Medical Trivia Questions I posted a few months ago!
Let me know how you did in the comments!!

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