
Monday, April 6, 2020

Eye Candy Ink Book Tour & Giveaway

Giveaway has Ended - Winner noted in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Fifty Eighth Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!

I expected this book to be full of sexy scenes but it was really sweet :)  It's an engaging contemporary romance with a little humor thrown in - you won't want to miss it!  Make sure you check out the authors social medias to keep up on all her other publications!
As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget below.  Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

Eye Candy Ink Book 1 
by Shaw Hart 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Welcome to Eye Candy Ink...

Meet Atlas Warner.
He’s the newest and youngest member at the shop and a talented tattoo artist. Neglected by his parents his whole life, he’s finally found the family that he’s always wanted at Eye Candy Ink.

He’s happy with his life. He’s got a great job and even better friends. He thinks he’s got everything that he needs...until Darcy walks into the shop.

One look at the shy girl with the kind eyes and the curvy body of a goddess and Atlas is hooked.

Darcy Rose has been through a lot in her life, most of it bad. Her mother abandoned her, she lost both her grandparents in the span of a week, she was bullied all through school, and she had to build her company from the ground up.

Darcy doesn’t trust a good thing. How can she when the voices of her bullies are still ringing in her head asking questions like why would the tattooed hottie who could have any girl he wanted be interested in her?

Now, Atlas just needs to show Darcy that he’s here to stay. 

“Just listen to me right now, okay? Atlas is starved for attention, for someone to love. He hates being on his own. I mean, we both make enough that we could have our own places but he still chooses to live with me. And I don’t mean that he just chose you randomly and that’s why he likes you. I mean that he finally found someone that clicked with him. There’s something about you that just fits with him. I thought you were going to be good for him but you just ended up breaking his heart,” his eyes narrow on me after he says that and shame washes over me.
“Atlas might come on a little strong, but he means well. I just wish that you would have let him explain. I wish that you would give him a chance.”
He spins around to leave after that, takes one step, before he comes back to my side. I expect him to say something else, maybe yell at me, and I’m caught off guard when he points to my car, parked off to the side.
“I might be upset with you for hurting him but Atlas would kill me if I didn’t make sure that you made it to your car okay.”

Eye Candy Ink Book 2 

Love, romance, dating. Mischa Jennings wants no part of any of it.

He’s seen up close and personal how love can ruin your life and he’s vowed to stay far away from the emotion. Armed with a set of rules to keep him safe, he’s been going through life just fine. Then Indie Hearst comes bouncing into Eye Candy Ink and turns his whole world upside down. 

Suddenly, he’s breaking every one of his rules, but it’s okay. He’s not even close to falling for Indie. 


Shaw Hart is a romance author who lives in a constant state of motion, chasing after her two children and three dogs. She is an Air Force wife and a Pinterest addict. She loves crime tv shows, dogs, hiking and yoga. Come check out her books and find your next favorite book boyfriend! 

Addition!!  Author Answered Questions Concerning Herself, The Book and Being an Author 💕

Stuff about you:

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

My husband is actually in the military and I had gone to college for English in the hopes of becoming an editor one day for a publishing house. Then we got stationed in New Mexico and I realized that dream wasn’t going to happen. I’ve always loved reading and writing and so I started writing my first book. I’m so glad that the editing thing didn’t work out because I LOVE writing now!

What is something unique/quirky about you?

I love Gravity Falls (The kids TV show). I’ve watched it like four times now and I even have a Gravity Falls T-Shirt and two Gravity Falls posters hanging up in my office.

Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you!
What are some of your pet peeves?
Where were you born/grew up at?

I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan but have lived in other towns in Michigan, New Mexico, and now we’re in Mississippi.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
Who is your hero and why?
What kind of world ruler would you be?
What are you passionate about these days?
What do you do to unwind and relax?

I love to listen to music and watch TV. I read a lot too!

How to find time to write as a parent?

Oh, man! I still don’t think I have this one mastered. My kids were in Preschool three days a week so I would normally write then. Now, with everything going on, it’s gotten a lot harder to find time to sneak away. I do write during nap time and quiet time and my husband has been watching them on the weekends so that I can write then. I think it’s about finding a balance and carving out time to do it.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!
When did you first consider yourself a writer?

It’s still honestly weird to think that to me. People ask what I do and I say I’m a stay at home mom and then my husband says, yeah and you write books. I don’t know that it’s hit me yet! It still surprises me when people say they love my books!

Do you have a favorite movie?

I love The Avenger movies! Or anything romantic or that’s a comedy.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?
What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

Stuff about the Book:
What inspired you to write this book?

I wanted to write a tattoo parlor romance but where the guys weren’t all these big tough guys.

What can we expect from you in the future?

Oh, I have so many projects lined up! You’ll have to keep reading.

Do you have any “side stories” about the characters?

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in (Name of book)?

In “Atlas”, I kind of set up all of the characters for the rest of the series. So we get to see Atlas, Mischa, Sam, Zeke, and Nico. Atlas is kind of the dreamer in the group. Mischa is the jokester, Sam is the tough tomboy, Zeke is the owner and ‘dad’ of the group, and Nico is the quiet introspective one.

How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book?

Where did you come up with the names in the story?

I actually have a board on Pinterest that I use to pick names.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick?
How did you come up with the title of your first novel?

Who designed your book covers?

I actually design my own book covers.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?
If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?
Anything specific you want to tell your readers?
How did you come up with name of this book?
What is your favorite part of this book and why?
If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

I think Mischa or Indie. They’re both so fun and kind of crazy that I have a feeling it would be an interesting day.

Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?

I think Mischa and Indie are probably the most like me but I believe that every single character that I write has some small piece of me in them. Atlas is a dreamer and I am too. Darcy is a little self-conscious and I am too and so on.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story? Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.
Have you written any other books that are not published?
If your book had a candle, what scent would it be?

Atlas would be roses or tulips. Mischa would be Clementine’s.

What did you edit out of this book?
Is there a writer which brain you would love to pick for advice? Who would that be and why?
Fun Facts/Behind the Scenes/Did You Know?'-type tidbits about the author, the book or the writing process of the book.

Stuff about Writing/ Reading:

What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?
What book do you think everyone should read?

I love Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

How long have you been writing?

A little under two years now!

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?
What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

Sometimes I research towns or areas that the book will take place. I’ve researched mental illnesses, the affects that abuse or neglect would have on you, the foster system. It really depends on what the story is about and what the characters are going to be like.

Do you see writing as a career?
What do you think about the current publishing market?
Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

Yes! I love romance books!

Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?
Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?
If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose?
Pen or type writer or computer?

Computer and sometimes pen.

Tell us about a favorite character from a book.
What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?
A day in the life of the author?
Advice they would give new authors?
Describe your writing style.
What makes a good story?
What are they currently reading?

I’m currently reading Titus by Kate Hunt!

What is your writing process? For instance do you do an outline first? Do you do the chapters first?

I outline the characters and chapters first and then I go back and write the chapters.

What are common traps for aspiring writers?
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

It’s a mix of both I’d say. I’m always afraid to deliver the same old thing but I think readers have an expectation for what my story will be like and sometimes it’s difficult to navigate the two.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Keep going and learning. There’s so much to learn and you shouldn’t expect to have it all figured out when you first start. Try to manage expectations and NEVER look at reviews.

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

Getting their point of view right. When I write for guys, I have to try to think like one and I’m not sure that I’m always successful!

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

It really depends on length. There’s been books that have just flown by and I finish them in a few days and there’s been books that I’ve kind of wrestled with that have taken a few weeks. I think the average is 7-10 days for my under 20k words books and about three weeks for my 40k words books and under.

Do you believe in writer’s block?

Oh yeah. I know that it’s a real thing but luckily for me, I haven’t experienced it yet. (Knock on wood!) I keep a planner and every month in the margins I like to write out new ideas. It can be detailed or super vague but it’s always something to go back to and flip through. You never know where you might find your next book inspiration!

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 04/06/20 - 05/06/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*

Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell her HI from me ðŸ˜‰

One (1) Prize consisting of a $35 Amazon Gift Card 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. Sounds like it has the right amount of sweet! I love this kind of romance. I can't wait to see what happens next!

  2. I like the covers. They are very sexy!

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  3. Looks great, the cover is nice.

  4. I like the cover and the book sounds interesting!

  5. Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. David Hollingsworth6:00 PM, April 06, 2020

    They are good, but I don't care for the tattoos.

  7. My daughter wpould enjoy these books

  8. Buff Daddy looking ready to battle it out

  9. This looks really good. Thank you for the chance!

  10. Very attractive and sexy covers.

  11. I don't think it is a book I would read.

  12. Love the cover and want to know him. xxoo

  13. The cover is nice and I enjoyed the excerpt.

  14. love a humorous romance novel. Thanks for the opportunity!

  15. Love the cover! I'm a sucker for a man with ink!

  16. This looks like a good hot read! I love it. Thank you

  17. I love romance books! Will be giving these a read :)

  18. The cover is ok. I would like to see him a little better, maybe more of him. Seems a little dark

  19. Nice book cover and the book sounds interesting.

  20. Thanks for offering a detailed interview. As I have recently pivoted to concentrate on my own writing after being a freelance writer for others for over 15 years. I am like a sponge gathering all of the information I can about what makes other authors successful. Thanks, as well, for the awesome giveaway opportunity! I am trying to procure as many Amazon gift cards as I can in order to be able to purchase the Final Draft Software that I will be needing to submit my screenplay when it is completed.

  21. Looks interesting...I don't think that I have seen this type of cover art/plot in any romance novels yet.

  22. I think the cover is an attention catcher. Reminds me of the modern day story.

  23. The title definitely makes you wonder what the story is about. Very interesting.

  24. It looks like an interesting read.

  25. The covers are definitely eye candy! I love that they are sweet.

  26. Absolutely loving the cover of this !

  27. Stephanie Larison9:00 AM, May 06, 2020

    Love the cover, very hot.

  28. The intricate tattoos are so interesting.

  29. The books sound awesome and I love the covers :)

  30. krystal wethington6:06 PM, May 06, 2020

    I love it. Very tasteful.

  31. covers look interesting amysmeltzer21521 at yahoo dot com

  32. I think that a handsome stud with a tattoo will certainly attract a lot of female raeaders. I have no questions for the author.

  33. Oh my goodness that is a very yummy looking cover to the book!

  34. I think the covers look very nice.

  35. Looks like a great cover!

  36. The book and cover looks great!

  37. The books sound very interesting. I love the covers.
