
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sector C Book Tour & Giveaway

Giveaway has Ended - Winner noted in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Fifty Second Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!

I love to get lost in a good supernatural book series!!  I'm thinking this one will fit the bill for my next set 😉
As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget below.  Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

The Chosen 
Sector C Volume 1 
by Nina Soden 
Genre: Urban Fantasy 

Set in a futuristic dystopian where society is governed by a council of vampires and lycanthropes, selection students are sheltered and raised in a deceptively utopian world. Strict rules are imposed to control population growth, education, and even personal interactions with other members of the Sector, all in the name of safety. When ‘A’ comes of age, she like all youth throughout Sector C and her selection classmates aren’t sent out into the world to find jobs, make money and lead happy carefree lives. They are forced to endure the rigorous physical and mental testing of Selection Week before choosing their destiny or being forced into a fate far worse. Those that make it out alive are announced as sector residence, given a position within the society, and allotted all the privileges of their chosen “culture.” However, when your only choices are vampirism, lycanthropy, breeder, blood donor, or banishment to the Wastelands, what choice do you really have? Suspenseful, intense, passionate, and awash in paranormal delights, Sector C captures the enchantment and mysteries of the supernatural world and the power of friendship. 

The Hunted 
Sector C Volume 2 

In the future, most of the world is governed by a council of vampires and lycanthropes. Sector residents are offered the freedom to live as they desire provided they stay and abide by the laws handed down. After being jolted awake by the blaring screech of the sector alarm, Zelina is dragged from her bed, gagged, and tied to a chair. Confronted with the brutal murder of one of her former classmates, she realizes that all eyes are on her as the primary suspect. Whether she was involved or not doesn’t matter. In the eyes of most sector residents, and most Council Members, Zelina is already a pariah—feared for the powers she will certainly come to possess. For she is the first human known to have both vampire and lycanthrope blood flowing through her veins. Zelina will find herself on a gripping adventure that will take her beyond the borders she’s known all her life in an attempt to save those she loves—and herself from becoming The Hunted. 

The Bridge 
Sector C Volume 3 

Change is happening all around Zelina and with it a prophesy is revealed. Is Zelina the key to unlocking a new way of existing on earth? What will she do when she discovers the true monsters of Sector C – the darkness that feeds off of the fear and the unknowing. Will she be able to suspend her own disbelief about what is possible and secure a new future? With the help of Merick, a motley crew of defectors, and a host of unexpected allies, Zelina bridges space and time in an attempt to bring forth a new future for all sentient beings. Join Zelina, Merick, and the others as they discover the power of the prophesy and their parts in setting their stagnant world free. 

I have always been creative, be it art, theatre, film – anything but singing – you don’t want to hear that! I earned her bachelor’s degree in Theatre and Military Science from EMU where I spent most of my time either on stage, rappelling down buildings, or working one of three jobs. After college, I moved to Los Angeles, like so many other want-to-be actors, in pursuit of my dreams. I worked to pay the bills… but my love was acting and I was actually somewhat successful, mostly in commercials and independent films and I had a great time doing it. 

In 2008, after some major life changes, I self-published her first book PRIVATE WORDS UNSPOKEN, a compilation of poetry. Since then, my dreams have gotten bigger and I would like to think my storytelling ability has gotten better. I have done everything from secretarial work to business development to being the Director of a private preschool. I have fired an M16, jumped out of a C130, and given birth – TWICE - but I always return to my art. 

Though I’ll forever be a Michigan girl at heart, I now live in the South with my husband and two beautiful children. If I’m not working on my latest story, you can find me lounging with a good book, playing with my kids, or indulging in my unhealthy addiction to Starbucks coffee. 

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 04/01/20 - 05/01/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*
Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell her HI from me 😉

One (1) Prize consisting of a $25 Amazon Gift Card

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. I like all the covers. The simple graphics are very attention grabbing.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  2. Stephanie Larison12:29 PM, April 01, 2020

    I like the covers! Has me interested to learn more.

  3. All the covers are awesome! Would love to read more

  4. Gorgeous covers!! Eye-Catching!!

  5. David Hollingsworth5:21 PM, April 01, 2020

    The covers are really stylish and interesting.

  6. Really great cover. It def draws me in. thank you

  7. My grandsons would enjoy these books

  8. I like the cover. It is very unique.

  9. Those covers are definitely spooky.

  10. The covers are a little scary.

  11. I like the covers. They're very intriguing.

  12. I love the cover. It really captured my attention!

  13. Hi everyone, thank you so much for all the amazing comments about the covers of my books. I had such a great time writing these stories and the covers just came very naturally with what the stories are about. If you order a copy and enjoy the story as much as I did writing it, please leave me a review on Amazon.
    Happy reading,
    Nina Soden

  14. I do like the covers, they are really cool

  15. I like the cover and the book sounds interesting!

  16. Thank you Lisa and Deb - I'm so glad you like the covers. I hope you'll order a copy and see what you think of the story too. :)
    Happy Reading,
    Nina Soden

  17. I really like the cove of The Chosen

  18. Thank you Laura. I'm glad you like the cover. I hope you'll give the story a shot and order your copy. :)

  19. Hi SexyBrat,

    They aren't horror, not exactly. They are futuristic dystopian. The world is completely different than what you know today. Some things are scary, but for them - its all just normal.

    I hope you'll order a copy and see for yourself.

    Nina Soden

  20. I'm very big on dark covers. They look intriguing. I'll have to give them a shot!

  21. It looks like friendship will be the only way out of what seems like an impossible situation. Thanks so much for a very unique plot. I am sure looking forward to reading Sector C! Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity!

  22. Pauline - Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    ~Nina Soden #TheRedheadedAuthor

  23. I like the mysterious covers. Doesn't reveal...anything. But it makes me want to open & start reading!

  24. Thomas and Lisa -

    I am so glad you both like the covers. I do hope you'll order a copy and let me know what you think of the story as well.

    ~Nina Soden #TheRedheadedAuthor

  25. It sounds like a great series. I love the cover.

  26. They sound like great reads. I would love to read them.

  27. The covers are simple but effective especially in the use of the red color. I have no questions for the author.

  28. krystal wethington10:31 PM, May 01, 2020

    I like it. Its kinda spooky.
