
Monday, April 27, 2020

Storiebook Charm Book Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway Ended - Winner Noted in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Sixty Fourth Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!

I love the main characters name; Storie!  I'm sure this will be another hit for Author Melissa Boubon!  Below I've included an excerpt for you to peruse 😎 Happy Reading!
As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget below.  Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

Storiebook Charm 
A Spellbound Novel 1 
by Melissa Bourbon 
Genre: Light Paranormal Romance 

From National Bestselling author Melissa Bourbon comes a small town magical story with a heart-stopping hero, a sigh-worthy romance, beautiful writing, and characters that jump off the page. Get ready to be charmed by Storie and Reid, and watch out for the twist! 

Storie Bell is a witch. Not the kind that lives in Harry Potter's world. No, she is more like Glinda, the good witch of the North, minus the munchkins and Dorothy. But a witch trying to blend in in a small southern town is no easy feat. She’s grown up believing that mortals and witchcraft don't mix. 

Storie thinks the biggest threat to her future—opening The Storiebook Cafe, where happy endings begin— is Reid Malone, the very man she ran away from years before. He seems hell bent on getting in the way of her bookstore’s grand opening. But when a mysterious woman from Storie’s past shows up and makes claims that leave Storie confused, she rethinks her entire future. 

He didn’t know her, and certainly wouldn’t act on his attraction for her, but hell if he didn’t want to memorize every last detail of her face and body now that he was seeing it spotlighted as she stood on the tailgate.
She moved like a blade of grass, softly swaying in the fading sunlight. Her arms stretched upward, her head tilted back. She stiffened, just for a split second, and a shudder passed through her. Thunder cracked overhead, a flash of lightning sparked through the dark clouds…was it seconds later?
He stared at the sky. That wasn’t right. The order was wrong. Lightning came first. Thunder came from the shock wave from the heat, then cooled off the lightning bolt.
Before he could wonder about it any more, Storie jumped down from the tailgate and plowed headlong into the lake. Somewhere in the distance, a cat wailed, as if sounding the alarm. Shit. Reid jumped up, starting toward the water’s edge. “Christ, woman, what are you doing? You don’t swim during a lightning storm!”
She kept going, striding forward against the force of the water. He froze, waiting. Watching. She stalked through the muck, finally bringing her arms overhead and diving under the water.
A network of light broke through the clouds, a crash of thunder following. The right order this time. Maybe he’d imagined the reversal.
His breath clogged his throat as he counted to ten in his head, waiting for her to break the surface. Ten came and went. And then fifteen. He searched the dark water. Where the hell was she?
Something had to have really upset her for her to come up to the lake alone with a storm brewing, and what in the damnation had she been trying to do up there on the tailgate? Had she been drinking? Was she trying to get electrocuted? Could she even swim? Oh, Christ, if she were drowning…
Without another thought, he ripped off his shirt as he raced to the water’s edge.
He just hoped they both didn’t get electrocuted.
He dove under the water, but it was brown and murky and he couldn’t see. He swam, breaking the surface to get some air, then ducking down again to keep searching. Above him, the sky flashed with light. The boom of the thunder traveled through the water like a muffled drum.
For a brief moment, the lightning allowed him to see under the water, but there was no sign of her. Panic swarmed his cells until he could hardly think. He was too late.
But then his arm brushed something that recoiled from his touch. Storie!
He kicked off the soft, smooth bottom, pushing himself in the direction he thought she’d gone. He peered in front of him, frantically searching until he made contact again. This time, he shot upward, dragging in a ragged breath and getting his bearings.
The clouds had grown darker, but it was still light enough to see. Bubbles popped where he thought she was. So she’d come up for air. He lunged, but then stopped as her head appeared, breaking through the surface of the water. And then, just as he’d imagined it, she rose like a mermaid, water cascading off her dark hair, off her skin, off the T-shirt clinging to her body.
“You’re okay.” He exhaled, catching his breath and reorganizing his thoughts.
Wide-eyed, she gasped, turning to him. He wasn’t positive, but her eyes looked red-rimmed, as if she’d been crying. She blinked and sank back down so that only her shoulders and head were above water. Her eyebrows knitted together and she dipped her chin, peering at him. “Reid Malone? Is that you?” She didn’t wait for an answer before asking, “What in tarnation are you doing? You scared me half to death!”
And just like that, she’d turned the tables, making him feel guilty for trying to help her. “I thought you were drowning.”
“I wasn’t.” She’d reached the part of the lake where she could stand. This time when she rose from the water, she was like a phoenix, all fire and glory against the backdrop of the orange, yellow, and red streaking the horizon. She walked toward her truck, water dripping from her cutoffs, from the white T-shirt still knotted at her rib cage.
“Yeah, I can see that,” he said, coming out of the water behind her. He swallowed, stifling every bit of his physical reaction to seeing her. “Next time you’re not drowning,” he said with a low growl, “I’ll just leave you to it.”
She stopped at the tailgate, putting one hand on the edge of the beat-up truck, and then, like the damn siren he knew she was, she turned to face him. “You do that, Reid,” she said, real slow, her soft Southern accent as luscious as her body. Her gaze flicked to his chest—and below, before rising to his eyes again. “You take yourself a good long look, because this has been a crap day. I’m leaving Whiskey Creekin the morning, and this is the last you’ll ever see of me.”
He heard what she said. Crap day. Leaving Whiskey Creek. But all he could do was swallow and drink her in. Long legs, curvy hips in those low-rise shorts heavy with water, the corners of the pockets slipping down farther than the edge of the shorts themselves. And that T-shirt, sticking to her body, plastered against her curves.
Oh yeah, he took a good long look—every bit of her seared into his brain, from the light dusting of freckles across her nose to the beauty mark on her stomach.

And everything in between.

Melissa Bourbon, the author of the Magical Dressmaking Mysteries (A Seamless Murder, A Killing Notion, A Custom-Fit Crime, Deadly Patterns), sometimes answers to her Latina-by-marriage name, Misa Ramirez. She gave up teaching middle and high school kids in northern California to write full-time amid horses and Longhorns in north Texas. She fantasizes about spending summers writing in quaint, cozy locales, has a love-hate relationship with yoga and chocolate, is devoted to her family, and can’t believe she’s lucky enough to be living the life of her dreams. 

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 04/27/20 - 05/27/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*

Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell her HI from me ðŸ˜‰

One (1) Prize consisting of a $20 Amazon GC

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. Sounds like a fun romance! The characters sound entertaining. I want to know more about the characters

  2. I like the cover. It has nice graphics and title font.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  3. I like the cover it is very sweet.

  4. I love anything and everything about witches.. Sounds SO good!!

  5. This an interesting book with romance - I love it!
    And the cover is attractive.
    Thank you for sharing this review.

  6. Someone is going dancing to find a hottie

  7. Sounds like an interesting book. I like the cover.

  8. David Hollingsworth7:35 PM, April 27, 2020

    The cover is great. It doesn't give away too much.

  9. It looks amazing!

  10. Hi Melissa! The book looks like so much fun – so glad to have discovered you. But how do you have a love-hate relationship with chocolate?? I don't understand! What's not to love?

  11. Thank you for sharing the excerpt. I enjoyed reading it.

  12. The cover is nice. I enjoyed this book when it was previously released. I don't remember all the details, but I'm happy that it's back again and there are more books to come in the series.

  13. I like the cover and the book sounds interesting!

  14. The cover looks like a good southern romance.

  15. I enjoyed the excerpt. This sounds like a terrific read.

  16. Nice book cover and the book sounds interesting.

  17. I think this cover looks real nice

  18. The cover is simple and lovely

  19. i like the cover. i can't wait to read this.

  20. My daughter would enjoy this bok

  21. I like the title and love the cover. I love the sparkles between the title Storiebook Charm.

  22. The cover looks like it would successfully attract its target audience.

  23. I'm from Texas, so the cover looks pretty interesting to me.

  24. I think the book soun ds great, my kind of read.

  25. I wish I knew more of what the book was about based on the cover.

  26. The cover is nice. No questions.

  27. That's a really cute cover! I would pick this up and buy it without reading about it first! Gotta love being a country girl!

  28. The book looks great, thanks!

  29. The cover is beautiful! I am a sucker for cowboy boots! Love them!

  30. I like the cover because it leaves me wondering what is attached to those legs. I have no questions for the author.
