
Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Fifth Vital Book Tour and Giveaway

Giveaway has Ended - Winner Noted in Widget Below :D

Welcome to my Seventieth Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!

Addiction and Addiction treatment is one area that I highly focus on being a Correctional Nurse.  The struggle IS real.  I see it everyday in my inmates.  I see it everyday in my city.  I see it everyday in my friends and family.  Addiction does not care about race or religion, sex or gender, rich or poor.  It is a very real issue for millions of people.  
For those of you affected by Addiction - NEVER GIVE UP.  There will be bad days.  There will be missteps.  There will be doubt, depression and fear.  Just DON'T STOP TRYING.  Reach out if you need help.  You are not alone.  You are in control of your future, and that future can be bright.

SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget below.
Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!
Good Luck!!

The Fifth Vital 
by Mike Majlak and Riley J. Ford 
Genre: Nonfiction 


Mike Majlak was a seventeen-year-old from a loving, middle-class family in Milford, Connecticut, when he got caught up in the opioid epidemic that swept the nation. For close to a decade thereafter, his life was a wasteland of darkness and despair. While his peers were graduating from college, buying homes, getting married, having kids, and leading normal lives, Mike was snorting OxyContin, climbing out of cars at gunpoint, and burying his childhood friends. Unable to escape the noose of addiction, he eventually lost the trust and support of everyone who had ever loved him. Alone, with nothing but drugs to keep him company, darkness closed in, and the light inside him--the last flicker of hope--began to dim. His dreams, potential, and future were all being devoured by a relentless addiction too powerful to fight. Despair filled him as he realized he wasn't going to survive.

Somehow, he did...



Now he's a social media personality with millions of followers, and an entrepreneur, marketer, podcaster, YouTuber, and author who hopes to use his voice to shine a light for those whose own lights have grown dim.

Most importantly, to those of you who have found yourselves caught up in the endless struggle of addiction, mental illness, pain, chaos, and despair:
I am you and you are me.
Our stories, while surely dramatically different, share very similar truths—that tremendous pressure you feel on your heart and in the pit of your stomach, the heaviness that chokes the air from your lungs, and the anxiety that ravages your mind to madness. I have felt that same terrible pain. You are not alone. You never will be. Revel in knowing there is someone who feels just like you.
If you have people who support you, take advantage of your extreme blessing. Lean on them. They will be the ones who carry you on days you cannot carry yourself. And on days you find yourself alone, burdened, unable to run or walk, beaten down and ready to give up…crawl. As impossible as it may seem, pull yourself through the mud. Scrape for every single fucking inch until one day you find yourself able to walk again. Against the strongest of tides, keep moving forward. Never stop. Never be pushed under.

However dark things are, and however dark things get, I urge you to find your light. Find that one glimmering remainder of hope that continues to push you forward.

About Mike Majlak 

Mike Majlak currently lives in Los Angeles, where he is the co-host of Impaulsive and the host of The Night Shift. He has millions of followers on YouTube and Instagram.

About Riley J. Ford 

Riley J. Ford is a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling author and UCLA graduate represented by Creative Artists Agency. She writes under multiple pen names and has sold more than one million copies of her novels worldwide. One of her books has been adapted into an upcoming movie for Netflix. 

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 05/16/20 - 06/16/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*

Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell her HI from me ðŸ˜‰

One (1) Prize consisting of a $100 Amazon Gift Card 

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!


  1. I like the cover. It is very cute.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  2. I love the cover gets ya to thinkking

  3. I liked it, though the EKG was medically inaccurate

  4. I like the cover. It makes me want to know more about the character.

  5. I like the cover, it makes me want to know more about the story

  6. I like the cover, it looks fun!

  7. I'm very interested in reading this book! I too got caught up in the opiod destruction. I've been clean nearly 6 yrs and am slowly rebuilding my life.
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  8. This will be an interesting book.
    Giving us a lot of insight into addiction.
    Thank you for sharing the review.

  9. Sounds like an interesting book. I like the cover.

  10. Opioids are horrible.. I have read a lot about addiction, and this completely gives me hope. I see it all around me, living close to NYC..

  11. The cover matches the description and it sounds like an interesting story.

  12. The cover is kind of cute. It looks like the poor day is having a day lol

  13. I think the cover looks great!


  14. David Hollingsworth7:50 PM, May 16, 2020

    The cover looks painfully honest.

  15. Wonder whats in his heart on the 5th beat

  16. The cover looks like he was having a hangover and regretting bad decisions.

  17. The cover makes me want to know more! I love it!!

  18. I don't know if this guy really conveys the total, all consuming struggle of addition. It seems a bit put on if I'm being frank.

  19. Mike's story is incredibly inspiring! I cannot wait to read this book.

  20. has a good look--want to read

  21. It sounds like a book that would be helpful to a lot of people.

  22. The book cover definitely gives off a vibe of despair.

  23. Love the cover, That is how I feel these days.

  24. i like the cover, very original

  25. I like the excerpt. I would love to read this book.

  26. Looks interesting

  27. The story looks very engrossing.

  28. Nice book cover and the book sounds interesting.

  29. I love the cover. It really sets the tone for the book.

  30. The cover really depicts how an addict feels. I've been through it over and over again in my lifetime. My mother is a drug addict alcoholic who abused her children. I had to become the parent at age 7. My sister went through years of heroin addiction and her children have suffered from it. It's a really bad problem here in Michigan as in most other states.

  31. Nice cover it lets you know what is going to go on in the story.

  32. Sounds like an honest look at the opiod epidemic. The cover tells a lot about the book!

  33. I love how he incorporated himself into the cover, it's very personal and looks interesting

  34. The cover definitely giving off the vibe of the book topic.

  35. The cover looks original and very fitting. I like that you incorporated vital signs within the title.

  36. Nice cover better than covers all six-packs guys and sexy ladies.

  37. The cover just about sums up the feel around here recently lol

  38. I'm a pharmacist so this topic is extremely important to me. I hate the opioid epidemic and love that we are talking about it more now. I would definitely read this book. I do like the cover too.

  39. The cover is very interesting.

  40. The cover really tells a lot.

  41. Hots close to home..sounds slot like what happened to me in a small ct town

  42. I think the book sounds interesting.

  43. I like the cover! It looks professional and not cheap. The emotion on the face of the man fits the description of the book.

  44. Cover is eyecatching and would make me pick it up and find out more about the book

  45. I think the cover looks very nice.

  46. This sounds like a book I could really get absorbed in!

  47. This looks like it's going to be a really good read!

  48. The cover looks cool, it gives you just the info you need to understand what it's about.

  49. Stephanie Larison6:06 PM, June 16, 2020

    I like the cover, has me interested to learn more.

  50. The cover is interesting, I can’t quite figure out what the book is about


  52. Sounds very interesting, as I’m a healthcare worker!
