
Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Sound of Love Book Tour and Giveaway

Welcome to my Eightieth Hosting for Silver Dagger Book Tours!

This is going to be a super sweet, musically infused love story series by author Kyle Shoop.  Below you’ll find the about the book section, an excerpt, about the author and the giveaway.

As always, remember to follow the tour and visit all the other amazing blogs in the tour hop, then enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget below.
Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

Good Luck!!
The Sound of Love 
Senses of Love Book 1 
by Kyle Shoop 
Genre: Contemporary Romance

"Words that can't be spoken can still be sung." 

Experience the compelling, heart warming romance of Charlotte and John as they express thru music what can't be said in words. 

Charlotte and John grew up as young orphans in the secluded outskirts of a rural town. Each day, they’d sneak out to the nearby forest to escape the cold grasp of the orphanage’s tyrant-ruler. However, the safety that came from their friendship was suddenly ripped apart when they got caught. 

Years later, Charlotte conquered the marketing world in downtown Portland. Having gained normalcy in her life since her days in the orphanage, Charlotte never expected her world to be turned upside down by John abruptly being thrust back into her life. 

But the years since the orphanage had not at all been kind to John, leaving him unable to open up to Charlotte about the details. Can John’s love for songwriting be the key to finally opening up? 

Would the reunited friends discover that John's rekindled love for music also rekindle their long-awaited, and much desired, love? 

"I adored every second of this sweet, heartwarming story." - Amazon Reviewer 

This book includes a free music soundtrack that can be listened to while reading along the lyrics contained in the story. The songs were written and recorded by the author, providing a unique way to experience this compelling romance novel. 

She wasn’t going to get any help from the many people who drove by. She considered calling for an ambulance, but this man needed help now and not in thirty minutes. Because every minute that passed could be the man’s last breath, Charlotte made the decision in an instant to do it alone. She ran back to the man lying frozen on the ground. He was obviously on the brink of succumbing to hypothermia, so Charlotte placed her hand on his chest to feel for any movement at all. It was barely there, but there was still enough to indicate that he was alive.

She moved her large coat so that it better covered both the boy and the man, trying to give him some protection from the cold as well. In doing so, she rolled the man from being curled up on his side, to lying flat on his back. She moved a box that was next to the man on the sidewalk out of the way, so as to give him more space. As she moved him, the man’s cheek-length, curly hair still lay draped over his face. But it was the lack of any reaction by the man to being moved that made Charlotte even more disheartened.

More of the man was now on the sidewalk and he didn’t even seem to notice or have any reaction to this new position. His situation was more dire than she expected. But with the man now lying on his back, she was able to try to give him mouth-to-mouth, hoping that her warm air would somehow help reignite him. She moved up and leaned over his head. As she bent over to blow into the man, she glanced at the young boy right beside them, to check his condition. The coat seemed to be helping, as the boy now was moving more than before. This was the hope that Charlotte needed. She moved some of the man’s long hair from over his mouth and began to blow into the stranger. Charlotte was cold, and nothing about her breathes were abnormally warm. But she knew that her temperature was still much warmer than the frigid condition of the man underneath her. She blew and she blew, over and over, watching the man’s chest rise and fall each time. What felt like several minutes passed and the man still had no reaction.

Charlotte continued on, despite the frozen temperature and her physical fatigue starting to set in. With each blow, she imagined what the boy needed. The boy needed this man, whoever he was. This gave her purpose and strength with each passing moment. She wasn’t just doing this to somehow pay forward what had been done to her when she was a child – she was now doing this because another child depended on this man. Several more moments passed, and still there was no reaction from the man. Charlotte needed a break – she physically could not continue on any longer without one. She stopped, and folded her arms to cover them from the cold. She couldn’t help but wonder what she should do, if she should continue on. The guilt of not having previously called for an ambulance came to mind, and she decided she had no other option but to continue on.

She kneeled again to blow into the man’s mouth, but stopped short when a piece of his hair returned over his mouth. This time, when she moved his hair, it revealed his eyes. Instantly, Charlotte lost her breath. The sight of the stranger’s eyes was as stinging to her as the cold was outside. She knew the man. With even more motivation than before, Charlotte’s strength returned. She leaned over again and blew into his mouth. But just once was all it took this time. He gasped for air and slowly opened his eyes, staring straight up.

“Hey, John.” Charlotte said with a smile, while brushing the rest of his hair aside. “I need you to wake up for me, John.” Charlotte commanded, seeking to give him strength. John made a faint sound, as if he was still figuring out what was happening. “John, listen to me. This is Charlotte. Charlotte from Cross Roads orphanage.” John made another sound. Though it wasn’t decipherable, Charlotte was just thrilled that he was responding to her. “John, I need you to walk now. I’m going to take you to a safe place, ok? Some place warm. But I need you to walk – I can’t carry you on my own.” “…. Jack …” John feebly said, the word being exhaled with his short breath so soft that it took a moment for Charlotte to understand what must have been said. Figuring that he was talking about the young boy huddled under her coat, Charlotte replied, “Yes, Jack’s here too. I’m going to carry him to my car and come back for you. When I return, I need you to walk. I’ll be right back.”

Kyle Shoop is a multi-genre author of compelling stories. His new "Senses of Love" series is a romance series that provides rewarding and inspirational stories.

Kyle is also the author of the Acea Bishop Trilogy, which is an action-packed fantasy series. All books in that series are now available, with Acea and the Animal Kingdom being the first book.

At a young age, Kyle was recognized for his storytelling by being awarded the first-place Gold Key award for fiction writing in Washington State. After spending several years volunteering in his wife's elementary classrooms, he was inspired to write the Acea Bishop Trilogy. He is now motivated to finish his the new romance series. In addition to writing novels, Kyle is also a practicing attorney. 

Kyle and is wife and two children are currently living in Utah.

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Silver Dagger Book Tours. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 06/13/20 - 07/13/20 - Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*

Please make sure you follow the tour and visit all the other amazing hosts for this book tour - and if you stop by Silver Dagger on the hop, tell her HI from me ðŸ˜‰

One (1) Prize consisting of a $10 Amazon GC

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway! 


  1. I like the cover

  2. I like the cover. It is very cute!

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  3. The cover is so romantic, precious.. 💕

    1. Thanks! The story's pretty romantic too! :-)

  4. The cover is so cute and sweet.

  5. David Hollingsworth10:48 PM, June 13, 2020

    The cover is pretty adorable.

  6. Absolutely love the cover it gives you the warm , fuzzy feels!

  7. Awesome cover! Romantic.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully you enjoy the romance in my book, as well!

  8. Replies
    1. Much appreciated - I hope you enjoy my novel!

  9. i love the cover

  10. I like the cover. It captures such a sweet moment.

  11. sweet book cover and the book sounds interesting.

  12. Thanks! The story definitely is too!

  13. The book cover is sweet looking.

  14. The cover is really sweet, I like it! I would ask the author what past experiences he uses to motivate his writing.

    1. Thanks for the question. The book starts off with an experience that the main character, Charlotte, has with a homeless person. That was based on a very similar experience I had. It got me thinking about who that homeless person is and what their backstory might be that led them to that street corner. That experience resulted in the novel, which I hope is a fantastical, compelling love story for those who read it. Enjoy.

  15. I love the romantic cover. Thanks!

  16. oh wow. i really love the cover a lot. a job well done

  17. The cover is so pretty and romantic looking

  18. I like how sweet the cover looks.

  19. I have added this book to my wishlist! I think I would really enjoy reading this!

    1. Thanks so much Clair - I hope you enjoy my novel!

  20. I like the cover, it is very cute.

  21. The cover is so cute of the couple.

  22. I like the cover because it is rather touching. I have no questions for the author.
