
Friday, July 10, 2020

A Little Pill Called Love Release Blitz and Giveaway

Giveaway has ended - awaiting winner verification :D

Welcome to my Fifth hosting with Enticing Journey Book Promotions!!

This is a super sweet, heartwarming romance from author Jas T. Ward.  Amazon reviewers are just gushing on about how quirky, fun and full of feels this novel is - many of them are planning on re-reading it they loved it so much!

Below you will find a synopsis, an author bio and buy links. Then keep scrolling down to enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter Widget.

Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

Published July 11, 2020
176 Pages
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rylie Marshall has blue, green, yellow, and a mixture of pills that made her "normal." But her idea of normal and what her mother or society wanted her to be never seemed to match up.

She lives day-by-day in a fantasy land within her own troubled head and books. Reading was her escape whenever even her head denied her such a haven. So, how was she to know that one day, sitting on the beach, a book would show her the one thing she didn't have, but might change her life…


Mike Newport had white, yellow, and striped pills that made him capable of being one of the most cut-throat corporate marketing advisers his clients could have. Not even a life-changing tragedy could slow him down.

His days and most nights were spent with his head buried in flow charts, graphs, and spreadsheets. Busy was the best way--the heart could easily be ignored as it was dying inside his chest.

The last thing he needed was a vacation, but how was he to know that a carefree girl, playing in the waves and talking to the birds might give him the one thing he had been avoiding…


Amazon     GoodReads     Kobo     Nook     Apple

Welcome to my worlds, take a seat, get to know me and the characters and I assure you… You’ll be glad you did.”  ~Jas T Ward

Born and raised in Texas, Ward is a mixed bag of creativity spinning tales of paranormal, urban fantasy and even dark romance and horror; wrapped within a love story. She’s been dared to write a few contemporary romances but even those reads have characters that are real and twisted by their creator.

Mother of three diverse and independent bold children, Ward prides herself for being the “Queen Niche’ B!tch” which is a handy way of saying she sucks writing to market.

But her readers don’t seem to mind.

Website     Facebook     Twitter     GoodReads     Amazon     Instagram     BookBub

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on Enticing Journey Book Promotions BUT the Giveaway is Mine -- Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize IS under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Release Blitz Giveaway runs from 07/11/20 - 07/18/20 Daily Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority

One (1) Prize consisting of a $10 Amazon eGC

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I like the cover. It has nice artwork.

    abfantom at yaoo dot com

  2. I like the cover.. It is nice.. I've always loved rain

  3. I like the excerpt and how the cover is faded! I like that they aren't super recognizable too. It allows us to see ourselves more in the characters.

  4. Sounds great, I like the cover.

  5. Sweet, romantic cover.. Just beautiful!!

  6. I love the cover! :)

  7. David Hollingsworth12:27 AM, July 12, 2020

    The cover is looks steamy.

  8. Wonderful book release, cheers.

  9. The cover is excellent! Thank you for the giveaway!

  10. Congratulation

  11. Looks like an interesting book.
    Thanks for the contest. 

  12. Awesome cover! It is beautiful. It got my attention

  13. I'm sorry but I don't like the cover.

  14. This book looks very interesting. Thanks for sharing!
