
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Prey For Love Book Tour and Giveaway

Welcome to my very First hosting with RBTL Book Promotions!

And what a great new release to be the lucky number one!!  Below you will find the synopsis, a UNIQUE excerpt not found anywhere else on the internet, some media buttons I made for you to share, an about the author, other publications and a giveaway!!!

Enjoy and Good Luck!!

Don't forget to visit all of my other Active Giveaways!

Published July 7, 2020
195 Pages
Genre: Contemporary Romance, LGBTQ+, Crime

The last three guys Phillip dated are dead. Is he next?

When successful businessman Phillip Barone attends a lover’s funeral and discovers he was just the latest of Phillip’s partners to die, Phillip knows he’s in trouble.
He also knows just the man he needs.
Former Marine Barry Malone would love a second chance with Phillip—he just wishes the romance could be rekindled under better circumstances. But Phillip’s stalker is escalating, and if Barry cannot solve the mystery of who wants Phillip dead and why, he might lose him for good. Barry’s determined, but the investigation struggles against the wit of a crafty killer—one who is closer to Phillip than they could have realized. Luckily Barry is even closer, and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect the man he’s falling in love with all over again.

This is an excerpt not seen anywhere online!!

Okay, maybe Barry was onto something. Phillip tried not to panic as he made yet another turn and the vehicle two cars back did the same thing. Sure, they might be going in the same direction, but this was too much of a coincidence. Phillip was being followed and he didn’t like it. He tried to think of the things people did in cop shows to throw off a tail, but he had no clue if they worked in real life. Maybe he was just letting his imagination run away with him.

Phillip made another turn, now close to home, and the car sped past him, through the intersection. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned into the parking garage entrance, then opened the gate with the remote and drove inside.

A black SUV pulled in right behind him before the gate could swing shut. Phillip went into his parking space, locked the doors, and got out his phone, ready to call the police. He had been on edge the entire afternoon and he didn’t need this shit. “Phillip, it’s me.” Barry’s bulk nearly filled his view through the back window. God, he was a hunk and a half.

“What are you doing?” Phillip opened his door and got out. “You scared the hell out of me.”

“I was just making sure you got home all right.”

Phillip stalked up to him. “By scaring me half to death? I thought I was being followed by whoever was at the restaurant, but it was only you.” He put his hand over the center of his chest.

“Drama much?” Barry replied, and Phillip let his hand drop.

“Are you always an ass? You could have told me you were going to see me home. Instead, you took a year off my life.” Now that he could breathe a little easier, he could see the humor in the situation. “So is this going to be a regular thing? Because I think I could get used to having a white knight around, looking out for me.” But God, with his track record, he’d better not get too comfortable or something would happen to Barry.

You may use any of these media buttons to share this awesome new release on your social medias :D

Dirk is very much an outside kind of man.  He loves travel and seeing new things.  Dirk worked in corporate America for way too long and now spends his days writing, gardening, and taking care of the home he shares with his partner of more than two decades.  He has a Master’s Degree and all the other accessories that go with a corporate job.  But he is most proud of the stories he tells and the life he's built.  Dirk lives in Pennsylvania in a century old home and is blessed with an amazing circle of friends.

***Notice: Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings is HOSTING a spot on RBTL Book Promotions. Choosing a Prize Winner and Delivery of Prize is not under the responsibility of Nicolie-Olie's Meanderings***

Tour runs from 07/07/20 - 07/27/20
 Single Entry, Open WW, Age of Majority
*This is a Creative Presentation*

Two (2) Prizes each Consisting of an ebook of any title by Dirk Greyson via DreamSpinner Press

a Rafflecopter giveaway