
Monday, January 4, 2021

Fresh Start for 2021

2020 was such a roller coaster for me and ultimately, due to reasons I will not go into detail about, I ended up taking a LONG break from the blog (social media in general really), sweepstaking and I quit my job at the facility I had been working with since 2012.

I paused my story, so to say, and made the tough decision to completely change my narrative.

And change my narrative I did!

I have hired into a completely different job path as a Travel RN.  My first assignment is in California (35 hours from my home!).  I'm so excited to start this new journey - traveling to new places, the opportunity to change up what I'm doing frequently and meeting a ton of new people along the way.  This first assignment is going to be a busy one for me so I'm not sure if I will get back to posting regular blog postings or giveaways anytime soon but, I do plan on posting every once in awhile.  I have missed doing these postings more then I thought I would!

For this first assignment, I've decided to drive rather then fly and I've talked my daughter into taking this cross country road trip with me 😃 (I say talked her into it but really as soon as I told her my decision to drive there, she said I'm coming with lol)  It is going to be EPIC.  I will be posting lots of fun stuff about it on my social medias if anyone is interested in taking the journey with us -- I may post a travel blog posting about it on here.

2021 here I come!!

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