Thyroid vs Adam's Apple Inmate Education

General Thyroid Information:

You are born with a thyroid.  Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the front of your neck, just below your Adam's Apple.   It has two lobes, one on either side of your windpipe (trachea). The thyroid gland produces hormones, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and calcitonin, that have an enormous impact on your health, affecting all aspects of your metabolism and influencing the control of vital functions, such as body temperature regulation, heart rate,  digestion functions, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance - (basically helping the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should).

The thyroid’s job is to make those hormones noted above, which then are secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body.  In order for your thyroid to work correctly you need to have a good supply of iodine in your diet - this does not mean salt!  Iodine is a mineral that the body does not naturally produce and must be ingested via various foods.  When your thyroid is not working correctly to get the necessary hormones into the body you can experience a multitude of different medical issues and may have to be given medications to help your body regulate or fix the hormone imbalances.  Let me know if you want to learn about any of these conditions / issues - I will get you some information on them :)

General Adam's Apple Information: 
The Adam's Apple forms during puberty. In males, when your voice box (larynx) grows during puberty, the front of the thyroid cartilage that is around your larynx already, tends to protrude outward, creating what you know as the Adam’s Apple.  Girls also undergo changes to their larynx during puberty but it's not as significant, so that's why women don’t have Adam’s Apples :)  It's function is to protect the larynx and is associated to how 'deep' your voice is.

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