
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sweeps Atlas - Continuing to Excel

One of the best Sweeps Sites out there has just gotten even better!!

Sweeps Atlas now has a feature called Collections.  This will be a premium perk come June 2020 but for now it's available to everyone!!!  As most sweepers know, 'bookmarks' are usually the pro sweeper's way of organizing their sweeps - this new feature, Collections, completely blows bookmarks out of the water!!

"We are taking My Sweeps to a whole new level. You can now create Collections of Sweeps. You create your own name for your collections and you can add whichever sweep to the collection that you want. The interface is fast and easy to use. (It's literally a click of a button!!)
When you are using My Sweeps you are focused on entering and should not be “discovering” new Sweeps, so we have trimmed down the collections interface to its bare minimum. You have already made the decision to enter these sweepstakes so you don’t need all of the information that the primary list has. We have hidden all of the superfluous information and given you only the parts that you need. We added the link icon to allow you to quickly get to the full Sweep record in case you need it for comments or other information." - Sweeps Atlas Advanced My Sweeps Collections announcement from the Administrator
Let's do a run down of this NEW and EXCLUSIVE interface to Sweeps Atlas as it relates to the current popular bookmarks method...

Sweepers whom have been using bookmarks know there are flaws using that system, here are a few that I can think of - off the top of my head - from my own experience trying to use them:  

  • They don’t delete themselves when they expire, the sweeper has to do this manually... and not to mention that the sweeper has to either put the dates into the head of the folder or on the sweeps name when they bookmark it to be able to keep track of this - unless of course they are perusing the rules each day or are keeping track of it in some sort of other document 
  • There isn’t a good way to see which sweeps you haven’t played yet without just plain out remembering, or using some other form of tracking like making 'special' folders for bookmarks and moving sweeps from folder to folder...  
  • Setting up bookmarks is such a looooooong process - upkeep isn't so bad once you find that magic combination unique to you, but then, your moving from sweeeps site(s) to folders and so on and so forth just to enter A sweep!  
  • You have to click on each one individually to open and enter them each time
All in all, I personally found that using bookmarks for sweeps was cumbersome and ultimately gave up on it a long time ago!

Here's how The new Collections interface in Sweeps Atlas allows you to save time and organize your sweepstakes in any way that you want, quickly and efficiently, with the click of a button.  

  • Expired sweepstakes are removed from your active collections automatically so you don't have to do it
  • You are able to visually, in seconds, keep track of your entries - as in when you last entered, when you can enter again, how long before they expire ect.
  • You are able to organize your sweepstakes in MULTIPLE different ways as well as enter them in multiple different variations of your choosing
    • For example - don't have a lot of time one day to enter?  Just choose which ones you really want to enter for that day by using a filter method, NO searching through folders to find the ones you want
  • It's literally one click of a button to add a sweepstake to your unique collection
  • Because all your sweeps are located on one website, you can easily search and find expired sweeps you have won (if you are a sweeper whom keeps track of wins)! 
  • And the best part is you can use EMBARK!!!  *click on the hyperlink to read about how Embark works*

There are so many positive and useful implications for this new interface it is truly a sweepers dream come true!

Here is what some of the current Sweeps Atlas users are saying about this new feature:
  • At this point with how bad-ass this site has become with all it’s nifty features, fantastic members, and fearless leader I’m afraid to ask how much all this is going to cost come June. LOL!
  • Thanks @sixty4bit for making this my new home to sweep from I know I’m going to be very happy here! To all the mods and people working behind the scenes to make this the best sweep site on the planet a big THANKS to y’all too!
  • WOW, outstanding feature! Thank you! :heart_eyes:

Example of what Collections will look like on your screen :)
Interested?  Want to get a head start on your 2020 Sweepstakes using a fast, easy interface???
What are you waiting for?

First, Go to, and log in - or sign up if you haven't yet -- it's free!

Then click on your profile name OR settings in the upper right hand corner of your screen, find the tab labeled My Sweeps and click the drop down - click on Advanced


You will see that you have a Plus (+) next to your profile name now 😃 this is an indication that you have access to the Premium features!!

You are now ready to start your personal collections!!

For an in-depth tutorial on how to make and add to your collections click here: My Sweeps Collections 

Questions?  Thoughts?  Leave them below in the comments section!  I LOVE hearing from my readers!!

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